S2 Lenham Hardtop VS Factory Hardtop are they different ?

Could you let me know if they are both same shape same or differents?

It seems Lenham one have increased rear perspex than factory one is that exact? and is it the only difference ?

Trying to find differences with online pics …but I’m more and more confused !!

Thanks for your help !

I believe the Lenham top was only available for the S4 and Sprint.

The factory style hardtops for the S2 are available, from Tony Thompson.


I’m in touch with seller who describe it as a 70’s s2 Lenham hardtop (no doubt about S2 with door glass curve).
Seems he bought it directly in period from Lenham.
But photos do not show differences to my eyes…
Will try to post pics.

I bought a hardtop from Lenham many years ago to fit my S3. There were issues with the fit which caused me to sell the HT and buy an available pre-airflow FHC.

Look at the side windows. the S1 and S2 have different shaped side window from the S3, S4 and Sprint. The shape is very evident . It can be thought of lift up windows versus electric lift.


There is no 70’s S2 hard top. S2 production ended before 1967 and any 70’s Elan is a S4 or Sprint.
Even S3 production ended late '67 or early '68


Lenham were selling S2 hardtops (based on the factory) well into the 1980’s

I bought one from them circa 1987 / 8 (visited the factory to collect) However, it didn’t come with any fixings (unlike the TTR hardtop does now) & my home made attempts failed on the way to Castle Combe for a Club Lotus track day!

This was on the Oxford By-Pass dual carriageway, & one second I was driving along nice & snug, the next second I was in the open air & the top was bouncing down the road (with traffic scattering to avoid it!!)

A mile or so further on I was able to double back, & made sure the top was on the grass by the roadside & well out of harms way. I then went back home to get my everyday car, & returned to collect the top, then took it home (gave up on the CL event)

After a while I decided that it was a write off, & bought a replacement from TTR (with the correct fixings) which I am still using (after having it painted silver by Paul Matty) to this day

This is my S2 Lenham hardtop:

If rear “L” bracket are present to use with “J” clamp there is absolutly no fitting bracket/stud for front.

Could you confirm it must not be used only with windscreen lip ?

I will use this sort of inner coating…not very period correct but better than the fiberglass finish

Few progress.
Perhaps those pics will help other owners in futur

I love that Elan45"s solution to an ill-fitting top was to buy one with the car already attached! :laughing: