S2 Elan Diff Sccop

I just purchased another S2 SE Elan. I’m so excited having been without one for a couple of years. It has the diff scoop still attached. Does anyone know what serial number that installation may have started with? Thanks, Frank!

I’m ready to be corrected!
Didn’t know there was an S2 SE, and thought scoops came with the 26R.

Piccies please Frank

According to “Robinshaw and Ross” (see page 15) S2 S/E was available from January to June 66. Page 30 of the same reference has a picture of a D reg S2 S/E.
Now to tell you the truth I was also surprised to read S2 S/E. I thought the first S/E arrived with the S3. I was wrong!

S2 SE from chass# 26/5282 sometime after Jan 1966

I dont think any production road cars were fitted with diff air scoops and think they were only standard on 26R’s, I have seen one on an S3 but believe it is a later fitment.