Hello All
could someone post a picture of the cross section of an original S2 door seal. I got some from MacGregor’s but before I glue them on I want to double check against the original.
Hello All
could someone post a picture of the cross section of an original S2 door seal. I got some from MacGregor’s but before I glue them on I want to double check against the original.
There’s a picture of what the seals supposedly look like here (profile 921). The Brian Buckland book shows a more right-angled pie piece, if I recall correctly (don’t have it close by). As for the actual seals - I have to replace mine soon because they are original and leaking, but haven’t taken them off yet. I purchased the seals a while back from one of the usual suspects (in the US) but I don’t think they are right.
thanks for the information, very usefull. The seals I have from Macgregor here in Canada macgregorukcarparts.com/.
The seals I have are more like a quarter pie profile at 90 degrees. The one in the link you posted is more like 120, not sure that it matters.
The seals are composed of a microcellular foam rubber with a closed skin surface. I’m guessing its an integral skin polyurethane. Not sure if the originals were regular rubber or not, but these ones have quite a lot of compliance and wouldn’t keep a door from closing.
There aren’t many S1 or S2 around here to look at so I appreciate the help.
I will be interested to hear how you make out with the seals and what difficulties you encounter installing them. I was caught in a rainstorm last week and water poured in, especially where my wife’s leg would be if she were in the car. Obviously something that needs to be fixed!
I will do. I’m going to use a rubber glue from 3M. I used this previously to glue on the rubber channels that fit over the door opening lip on the body and they are on strong.
gluing and drilling are two things you want to be sure of before you start. Drilling eyelets for cantrails tonight…another nervous job
I purchased a number of seals from McGreggor, but have yet to install them on my S2. The one seal I didn’t get was for the door apeture. This one I purchased from D. Bean. Let us know how the McGreggor pieces work out for you.
I certainly will report back. Mac is a good guy, very knowledgeable. I bump into him fairly frequently at various local LBC events.
Most things I’ve got from him were bang on, or he suggested alternatives that worked better.
However, the seal running in the front window channel between the channel and the windshield frame was completely wrong. So this is why I wanted to double check. (incidentlaly that seal is correct in the other link posted above)
Any update on how this went? I have new seals on the way and will be undertaking this job soon - it would be great to have guidance from someone who recently did it. (I’ll look through old posts as well.)
Thanks and regards,
I installed seals on my S3 from for McGreggor, as the ones I received from one of the other usual suspects were simply too thick. The McGreggor ones fit fine.
I think they should be about 90 deg angle - because the door mould shape where they are glued to is around 90 + some few deg.
Its easier to press a 90 degree rubber somewhat flat on the sides than a 120 degree rubber down in the middle.
I received my new seals from Dave Bean. They are hard rubber (not foam) and the angle is about 120 degrees, not 90. One leg of the angle is shorter than the other (3/8" vs. 1/2") and the curvy bit that joins the angles is flatter than I expected. I will try to get one of the doors off this weekend and see how these compare to the originals (now 43 years old) and whether they will work. I’ll take lots of pictures and document the process (successful or otherwise) in this thread.
I have one door off and the seals stripped. The cross-section of my replacement seals is very similar to the original. The short leg goes in the vertical plane of the mounting angle (when the door is hung) and the long leg in the horizontal plane. Since the angle of the seal is larger than the angle into which it fits, I’ll need to use some sort of contact adhesive, otherwise the seal will spring away from the angle. I’ll probably just apply it on the short leg, otherwise it will be difficult to get the seal fully into the angle before the adhesive sticks. Maybe I should run a bead of non-contact adhesive along the long leg. Pictures coming soon.