S1 boot support mechanism

Missing the bracket that the boot lock locks onto and the support under it, does anyone have a photo of the interior set up and in particular the locking plate so I can make one up?



Here’s one. I have several other photos at different angles. If you’d like to PM me with your e-mail address, I can send them over.


After re-reading your message, I think I have the wrong end of the boot! :blush:

PM me anyway and I can send a couple of shots of the lock latch and catch.

sorry, should clarify the boot at the rear (trunk) :slight_smile:

here is a shot of my s1’s trunk - Maybe not the best angle but will give an idea of the concept -

Any chance you could sketch out the dimensions for the plywood boot “floor”? Is it 2 pieces? My S1 has never had one during my wonership!

Fantastic, thanks Gary


After posting the first two photos I looked at Georges photo and realized I had take photos of the S4 boot floor. It took a few minutes to go an find the S1/S2 floor with the ribs. so here are both the S3/4 and the S1/2

S3/S4 boot floor, bottom edge is not quite straight

the lighting was poor for pictures and I had problems getting the graph paper to show up, I took a dozen photos and this seemed like the best one.

S1/S2 boot floor, ribs are 7/8 inch square with 2 of the corner edges rounded over with a 1/8 inch radious

Update 7- 11-2009, I was out looking through boxes and came across the plywood filler for side between the bumper recess and fuel tank out of the S4 Coupe and took a couple pictures, one with graph paper background the other in the S2.

Hello gordont,
my “original” S1 has a simple L bracket mounted to the body underneath the lid’s rain drain rail with a screw and pop rivet as shown in cabc26b photo. The bracket is 3/4th’s inch wide. It’s 1 and 3/4th inches long on the face that attaches to the body and has a 3/4 inch downward tab that the key actuated rotating lock tab stops on. Simple but difficult to photograph. I hope this info helps.


ps; Gary, I have a get rich slow scheme for you…

Trace the large boot floors on a large piece of paper, draw the support struts to finish the pattern. (Do you have the small right side seperate piece with support struts?)
Fold the paper and mail it to needy Elan owners. If the pattern is drawn on thin enough paper it can be mailed in a business envelope!
pps, They gotta be worth ten bucks each, maybe twenty, donate my half to your favorite charity.

Hi Eric

The photos were a quick and dirty way to get the info out. I thought about graph paper and I found some this morning, it is 1 inch squares with sub markings of 1/8 of an inch. It is difficult to see the 1/8 inch markings but if you bring it into Micrsoft photo editor and resize the pictures the amount listed on the title of the photo you should be able to get a pretty good print out. I like your idea of the tracing maybe you should be in charge. This forum is a great help to all owners of Lotus cars, I just wish it could be searched so people could find things easier. this topic will be lost in a few weeks and only you and I able to find it.


p.s. I don’t have the right side of the boot or at least I haven’t seen it around. It should be easy enough to use the left side of the boot and flip it over and use what you need I did find another piece but I think it is for the S3/4 boot that goes forward of th gas tank.

one lst try, resize to 304% and print, maybe…

:wink: Funny - I crossed just the same questions. I was surprised the steel angle is bolted on in an offset angle. Also the question: what is / should be riveted to it to hold the support rod up?


(may fit a bottle in the boot serving as a fuel tank so when picking up fuel I can take the bottle from the dealer and do an exchange. Fuel is so expensive here - I may have to convert the engine to accept Bombay Sapphire or Havanna Club. I wouldn’t want it to run on Vodka… :laughing: )

Make that 3 who need that bloomin’ boot stay / lock catch! It’s about the only bit I’m missing now from my S2. Well, I’m missing the boot board as well, but I have a S3 pair from which I can make a copy.

As for petrol, surely it’s too cheap? It’s just over ?5 a gallon here. Beer is about ?25 a gallon, and mineral water, bought in a bottle, is about ?10 a gallon. I can get water out of a tap, I can easily make beer, but I sure as hec can’t make petrol…it’s complicated stuff!!


Tx again Gary. on the subject of searches - could it be put in the tech section?

another angle on the stay , plus sonething that may not have come through in gary’s images - the hour-glass stud goes into a recepticle mounted in the boot/trunk - this assists in keeping the floor from comeing loose.

George -

PS - you can make biodiesel thought and I may start at the rate we are going - I would think any one living in belgium would have ready access to spent fry oil given the amount of potatos they cook up…

here we are: the two fixing holes are 5.2mm dia, the support dia is 6.7mm, rivet drilling could be 1/8 in. Sheet is 1.6mm or 1/16 in (1.6mm equals 1/16 :confused: ) Rust is from living in Wales :unamused:


The square isn’t square to the ground or the body, it was used to show a relitive position. That position is 1 inch away fron the center of the closest hole,
the next hole is centered 1 3/8 inches away from the first. I don’t know what the hole in the center was used for, there was a pip pin used at one time when it was Son Tingles C production racer.

p.s. - I fill most holes along the sides for the badging as a freshly painted car look pretty ratty if you don’'t have new badging to go on the new shinny paint.

Thanks Gary, that was exactly what I needed… and will be another thing on the to do list :wink: The last owner was a man with lots of putty, reducing or even closing all small drillings in fibreglass. He closed all badge fixing points and drilled new. I can still find all those original badge clips inside the body shell - and the badge drilled new 1/2 inch above where it should be. Well - at last I still have those precious clips…

Anna :smiley:

I was out looking through boxes and came across the plywood filler for side between the bumper recess and fuel tank out of the S4 Coupe and took a couple pictures, one with graph paper background the other in the S2.