S1 and S2 windscreen filler strip gasket termination

Scott Rodrigues was looking for some photos of the termination of the
S1 Elan windscreen to body gasket and I was going up to drop some more junk (Coventry Climax enclosed fire pump chassis and parts) so I took some pictures of the gasket termination without the doors in place.


Great, after a very rainy weekend I was about to have that sorted out, too. Good to know how it was intended to work. (I really like that museum in extenso stuff!)

:wink: Anna

PS: we have a very wet summer - now that football is gone

Hi Gary, I also wondered how that seal terminated :confused: so I glued mine, I seem to recall seeing little “L” shaped Aluminium ( aluminum :laughing: ) brackets when I got my jigsaw …wonder if I kept them :unamused:
When you have time would you take some close up pics of the chrome(?) trim that holds the outer sealing strip against the side windows (S1/2 vertical seal) both mine including seals are missing although I made some up but they are not correct.