
Surely just one of the 147 million people in the Russian Federation can get close enough to give him some Polonium or even something less unpleasant to give him an exit? (Although the succession might be just as toxic or worse).

If only…


If Russia can’t control Europe, the Pacific is okay.

Do we really need this on here?

No we don’t. D

But but but… if not, where will all the faux fulminators go? :smiley:

Maybe if they all shout rude words at Putin (via the safety of the internet), all will be well and they will stop the war. :unamused:

Free Parking…

John :wink:

Agreed ,
Please take this topic elsewhere off this site .

" Free Parking…This section is for No Lotus Content (NLC) or Off Topic Conversations. "

Sorry , but I disagree , If you wish to praise Putin , feel free , I am sure no-one will want to censor your comments…

But who are you to judge?

Maybe some of the other posts are not to your liking also…

Queen Elizabeth II , Olivia Newton John dead at 73 , Anyone here from Glasgow? Or have a possible connection? , Sad day - Judith Durham passing , Merry Christmas , Uk Clean air legislation , Who has had their Covid vaccine then? etc.etc.etc.

John :wink:

I reserve my absolute RIGHT to shout, impotently and in safety, at the screen - otherwise - anarchy!

Maybe rename this area the Gossipers Go To? :smiley:

This is “free parking” and as such freedom of speech, like “speaker’s corner” hyde park.
You can choose to read and reply or ignore.
We are not under Putin’s control thank God.
To be honest i’m waiting for someone to take out Putin.
Good luck to Ukrain and bravo.

I’m entitled to post topics on here provided I follow the forum rules. Just the same as you. As has been said this is free parking (definition above).
You don’t have to look at it.


Well done Ukraine at retaking Lyman and your “Homelands” back.
Good luck

On the BBC news today Orla Guerin was reporting from retaken land. Russian bodies and equipment at the side of the road, devastated town with little to nothing left standing. Makes you wonder what they’re actually fighting for. Seems just to be Putins ego… is he really so stupid?

So sad so many lives lost because of Putin and his ego.
Ukraine families devastated and also Russian families.
When will they ever learn, never i suppose.

Such a shame Nato had to expand Eastwards despite their promises not to!

AP, I hope you appreciate the freedom you and your family have enjoyed for the last 73.5 years provided by the strength of NATO.
That excuse is a fig leaf for the true reasons of Putin’s military aggression.


Sounds like all the Russians are rush en out of Ukraine.

All of Russia’s actions just reinforced to the various Scandinavian countries of the need for them to join NATO to prevent Russian aggression. NATO did not allow the Ukraine to join in an attempt to try to appease Russia and that unfortunately did not get them any good response. Maybe if you think back in history have you heard what happens when you try to appease dictators?.

In the modern world democratic free countries are supposed to be able to choose who they wish to align themselves with and it is not Russia or any other countries right to impose limitations on what they do with the threat of invasion. read the UN charter that Russia signed to see that. If Russia does not like NATO’s expansion ( and they never promised not to admit new members) then Russia can impose sanctions on NATO member states but invading a country that did not and was not going to join NATO seems like a strange response to NATO expansion and a fig leaf for the real Russian imperialistic dreams of Putin.