Rubbers(Gums) of anti-roll bar

Good nights

today I have tried to change the rubbers(gums) of the anti-roll bar and me it has not been possible to put the support in the bar with the put rubber(gum), also I have tried to put the support with the rubber(gum) in the bar but I could not have mounted it either, have forced neither with screwdrivers nor anything similar not to break the rubber(gum),
Can someone help me in the correct form to mount the rubbers(gums)?

Thank you very much
Regards Juan

About 2 cans of silicon spray and 2 helpers should do it…


Try using Superflex bushes, much easier to fit and won’t perish with the first drop of oil leakage.

Note that even then you will need to get the roll bar into a vice and use a certain amount of force, plus lots of soap or other lubricant. It also helps if you clean the ARB and paint with a nice glossy finish.

From memory, Brian Buckland’s book also has some tips on this subject.


Measure the width of the flattened sections where the bar attaches to the stud on the bottom of the dampers. One is usually a bit more narrow than the other. Install both over the narrower end. I have used a heat gun to soften the bushing a bit and dishwashing liquid helps as a lubricant. It is a real pain of a task but I have always succeeded using these measures.

All previous advice is good! The bar is often rusted and dirty. Clean the anti roll bar thoroughly then try slipping the rubber bush along the bar to the right place, using lubricant (not oil) then slip over the drop link. Fiddly job, but can be quite easy when you get the technique right.


I assembled the bush in the bracket first.
then i put a small plastic cap over the flattened end of the rollbar.
it was a plastic cap from a round terminal 12v car battery, just the right size. i held this in a vice and sprayed lots of WD 40 on the rubber bush. It slide over the plastic cap with a little effort and no damage.
I hope this helps Alan

When I did mine I used advice from previous postings - I put the rubber bushes in hot water for a couple of minutes which softens them slightly and then slide over the roll bar with Fairy Liquid as a lubricant - makes it fairly easy.


I think I read somewhere that washing-up liquids contain salt so should not be used on rubber components. You need a soap that does not contain salt. Anyone know of one?

It’s true. Most dish washing liquids contain salt. Most car washing up detergents don’t for the opposite reasons.
So use car cleaning detergent, or rinse thoroughly when finished. Or soap.

good evening,

'm not able to answer a lot faster but I had trouble logging in to the forum.

Yesterday the bar clean of grease and rust, this weekend will try to mount some of the ways above.

certainly is a tedious job, in my other car (Renault 5 alpine GR2) this work can be done (with the right tools) in one hour, the supports are removable.

Thank you very much at all and I will tell you if I had gone well

saludos Juan