Rubber Gear lever Gaiter for 130/5

Has anyone got any ideas where I can get a rubber gear lever gaiter for a 5 speed gearbox for a Plus 2 130/5 1973
I’ve tried : -
Susan Miller
Paul Matty
Christopher Neil
Dave Bean (in USA) for some reason said they had one , then won’t respond to any more emails ??? (they might have realised I live in France?)
If an original one is impossible , does anyone know of a similar one for another car???
HELP !!!
Thanks alot


Terry had the same problem when i fitted the 5 speed in my sprint they are very difficult to obtain. I managed to get one from a place up North i will see if i can find the details & get back to you

PS nice +2 see you are sensible & got out of the UK


I have a vague feeling that it’s actually a Ford item, either Mk3 Cortina or possibly Transit van. This would make sense as, although the box is basically British Leyland, all the selector mechanism etc. is Ford.

None of this, of course, helps you get hold of one. You could however try looking in one of the Classic Ford magazines, there might be someone there who could help.

On the 4 speed cars the gaiter is the same as that on the Rover P6 and Lotus Europa. You might like to try fitting one of the these if you can get one. In my opinion they do look a lot neater and, it’s somthing I’ve been considering doing on my own car.


Thanks alot

PS Wine is cheap here !

I’ve just looked on eBay and there is a Transit and a Cortina Mk1/2 Gaiter but not a MK3. The problem is that I do not know what it looks like!
Can anyone supply a picture of a 5 speed gaiter so I know what I’m looking for


Just to correct Andy’s comment about the selector mechanisms being all Ford, if he strips down an Austin Maxi 1500 manual gearbox he will find all the selector parts needed for the Lotus 5-speed gearbox.


You might try but all US suppliers. Gordon Sauer

Here is a 5-speed gaiter. Please let us know what else it is fitted to when you find out… :slight_smile:

Thanks for that. It looks like it may be from a 1973+ Car rather than an older car.
I’ve looked through 10 pages of eBay gear lever gaiters with no luck!
Does anyone know ???


A friend of mine spent 2 years looking for one and in the end I lent him mine and he got 5 of them made, he gave me one for lending him my perfect one.

He has two left that he said he was going to put them on ebay

Will find out more from him

Maybe you could make him an offer before the ebay madness sets in ?


Oh The above sounds very expensive? But worth a try?
What happens at the base of the gaiter , how does it fit to the trim?

Thanks everyone!


The photo is from a 1972 car, but it could well be a later replacement.
I assume it’s not off the Austin Maxi like the rest of the gearbox… :question: :laughing: :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew

I don’t know if Ray ([email protected]) has them, but it is the type of thing he carries and he does respond to mail and doesn’t care where you live. When I bought a CV joint kit from him, he had just shipped one to Scandinavia, so shipping a gaiter to France won’t bother him one bit.

(Hey - third gear! :smiley: )

I was doing an injustice , as they have just emailed and said that they have had a computer virus all week and unable to open any emails.

Jay at Jaeparts , a very helpful man has the 4 speed version but not the 5

Does anybody know whether a 4 speed gaiter fits a 5 speed. The oatmeal trim in that area does seem quite crude on my car??? So I’m not sure how it would fit. The car at the moment has a very lovely vinyl one that I can live with no longer!

from my car breaking days, that gaitor looks very Ford, I’d suggest Mk1 Capri/Escort/Mk3 cortina… may be worth a gander at some of the old Ford forums



I’ve got one spare ,just like the photo on this thread.
It’s yours if you want . PM me with an address.


The Gaiter is definitely Ford. I have just taken mine out and the serial number on the gaiter is:
71BG-7277-CA and another number below the Ford logo : 205 157.
Hope it helps.



Bit of an old thread, but did anyone ever come up with a supplier or a look-a-like alternative?

Jeff’s Ford reference appears correct as I came across this: … -mk3/H6.10

Can’t find one though, and I don’t have a gran to knit me one either; and I don’t fancy the vinyl/leather socks that abound eBay. I have the impression that the only boys still using rubbers are those with 4x4 sticks.



Might be a daft question Vernon, but what car are you fitting your 5 speed into?


Salut Alex

Plus 2 section so Plus 2 :slight_smile:

Not sure what I’d do if I was lucky enough to have an Elan as well - think I’d leave it as a 4-speed.

