Routing of wiring harness behind dash on an S3?

I have a 67 S3 FHC for which I am installing a heater matrix as the car came with the matrix removed. After pulling the dash and labeling all the wires (quite a job), I see that the main wiring harness on my car comes in over the heater box between the two demister vents, which does not leave room for the stereo I plan to also install.

This is a USA left hand drive car, can anyone comment on where the main wiring harness is supposed to be behind the dash?I am presuming it is normally routed to the left the the left demister vent and left heater heater hose, but would appreciate any input before I complete the long job of reinstalling the dash.

On my S3 SE FHC, the harness comes across the front of the heater box, just under the Face level hose outlets if memory serves.


Thanks for this information.

Can the harness come across different places in other S3 SE FHC’s?

There?s a good photo showing this on the second page of this thread:


Thanks for the feedback everyone. Looking into this more, I found that the baby Elans with the rubber eyeball vent outlets in front of the heater box tend to have all or most of their wiring harnesses coming in over the top, while those with the rubber eyeball vent outlets connected to the back of the box tend to have their main harness come in from the side - probably because their is more room when the rubber vent outlets are not there.

Fit a modern smaller heater. Demon Tweeks sell them in the UK. :smiley: