Routing of the temp sensor line?

Good morning/afternoon/evening gentlemen. Hoping that someone could give me some tips on properly routing the temperature sensor line through the firewall, my car was partially disassembled when I pick it up so I’m not sure how it’s supposed to go on a 1969 S4.


For my S2 I spent a lot of time right here looking at the “engine bays” thread. I would try to pay attention to those that looked as original as possible. John

Good morning John, thanks for the reply.

Think (?) I found it.

Yes, but make sure the line is spiralled correctlyv so it doesn’t fatique as the engine twists on the engine mounts… will take a picture to illustrate…

Thanks for the tip - I did replicate that spiraling on the other posts.

Have a good rest of your weekend.

And don’t forget the grommet for the bulkhead hole.

The proper grommet can be hard to find, as the fiberglass firewall is thicker than most grommets can handle. I found the grommet from R Dent to be made for a thinner firewall than my car, and so it did not fit.

The hole for that grommet was the first hole I made in my shell, so I erred by cutting it full expected size with a forstner bit, using my old S2 shell for advice. Then I learned to cut a biggish hole but smaller than expected so that I could sneak up on the right size with a rat-tail file or 80 grit wrapped around a dowel, test fitting the grommet along the way. And I learned, even though the windscreen washer tube passes just above so surely I should do that at the same time as on the old shell, wait to make other holes until you need to install the part, test fitting and pondering along the way.


Great discussion gentlemen, thank you.

Did anyone find a readily available grommet that fits?