has anyone out there got photos they could ‘post’ showing the route and shape of the brake pipes from the rear ‘T’ piece to the sub-frame turret connection points to flexible pipes; both sides of car would be a great help. As i am building car up from a box of parts i have no reference or existing patterns to copy
many thanks in anticipation
The Service Parts List will give you a fairly good idea of the routing. The hard and flexible brake lines are illustrated clearly in Section J. If you don’t have the Service Parts List try the online copy at RD Enterprises’ web site:
Here try these -
to the point made earlier , yo might want to track down an early service manual and parts list .
Here are some before-and-after photos from my S2 (S1 should be the same). The “before” photos are not quite original - the chassis was replaced in the '70’s and the original brake lines were moved to the new chassis, as far as I can tell. The “after” photos are my attempt to replicate the originals.
thanks to all, just what i needed