
I, I’ve bought a Elan +2 S…TODAY!!!
I can’t sleep, only read all the post’s and web pages that speak about it…
The car is a restauration project, it work, but is very rusty…
It dont’ have 3 of the 6 counter on the dash, can you please show me what are they? I’ve reade that is outside temp.; oil pressure; Engine Temp.; watch; and what more?? can you please post some fotos of all???
And the gear Knob how can i get one?

Sorry, sorry,
So much work and i’m tinking about the furniture…

Pedro Santos (Portugal)

Hi pedro and welcome to the joys of Lotus ownership

On my 1973 plus 2 S 130 /5 the gauges are

Top right - Engine temp
right to left lower row - Oil pressure, Battery voltage, Outside temp, Clock
Top left - Fuel


Hi, thanks a lot, can i (what a shame…) ask if you photograf the counters individualy? The owner gave me 3 smiths and one vdo, but i think it’s not original…sorry for the trouble!!

I can do the individual photos but it may take a couple of weeks as the car is currently residing at my holiday beach house. Just got back tonight from a couple of days down there ( the kids are on school holidays) and I am not planning to get down again for a couple of weeks. In the meantime someone else may have easier access to individual photos.


I pick mine up tomorow! I also have the sleep problem! :smiley: just keep dreaming about all the work Im going to get stuck into… know the feeling well…

I am amazed and pleased that new people are deciding to venture into the world of the +2 elan. I have had mine for 7 years and am only in the last part of this year begining to enjoy it properly. For most of the time I thought that James Dean had more chance of getting back on the road than my car.
After all the work and money it really is worth it.

have a look at
There is, among others, a picture from my dash showing the instruments. I’ll try to put up a ‘close up’ photo of the instrumentpanel later on.