Rookie mistake - Federal S4 Headlight Switch Spring/Pin

I just finished up replacing the heater core and some other “dash out” projects.

I went to reinstall in the headlamp switch knob and found nothing to retain the knob. It worked before, so there had to be something. I recall having to release it.

I didn’t realize at the time that the mechanism that makes up the spring and pin wasn’t attached to the shaft. So I think I’ve lost it.

I can turn a new pin on a lathe and make a new spring from some appropriate alloy. I found a picture of the parts online (see below).

But before I do that, I wanted to see if anyone else had run into this and if there was a better option (e.g., if the spring and pin were available someplace).

Thank you!

That spring and pin were also used to attach the heater controls on every MGB (and probably MG Midget) ever made. Any replacement MG heater controller, if it’s complete, should have that spring/pin on it. I’d check on eBay.

Good luck,

Thanks Steve!!!

Thanks indeed! I never had one and a PO put a screw in the knob to secure it.

I wanted to close the loop in this one. A friend had a junk MGB in his field and I was able to scavenge two of the pin/spring combos from it.

I can confirm that that fit the Elan headlight switch.

