Rollbar help please.


I’m adding a few more cross members to my (old) rollbar, and was wondering if someone has any pics or drawing etc. of how the rollbars connect to the rear chassis.

Do they attach to the shocker top mounts, or on the side somewhere, where are the holes cut? etc etc

Mine isn’t a spider chassis.



Elan roll bar/cage normally uses the rear suspension tower to body bolts.

If you are fabricating/modding rollbars you may need them certified.

It may not be wise to mod a rollbar without completely investigating what’s there in the first place. :smiley: I trust you have the necessary skills !

Check out: … e&Itemid=1

Hello Sean,

After many years of racing, with the odd errrrm incident, we’ve decided that our cages are pretty good. My family own a garage and have been fabricating race parts for ourselves for nearly 20 years.

This pic is from Castle Coombe (before the stupid chicanes). 100mph+ impact in the wet. (Someone hit the Astra from behind in the spray and punted it off)

We also had another on it’s roof at the mountain at Cadwell, but that was an over ambitious lunge for the lead :smiley:



Am I glad to hear that, I have seen some concoctions of scaffolding poles and re-bar in my time ! :smiley:

While Safety Devices do rollbar/cage for the Elan which is FIA homologated, there is nothing off-the shelf for the Plus 2.

I discovered that the Mark II Escort main roll hoop is just the perfect shape for the Plus 2. The main hoop is shortened and ties into the sill members via the attachment plates. The rear braces need repositioning and rear tower attachment points. I have drawings if anyone is interested.
