Rocker Switches Elan +2

Hi There
Does anybody know where I can get hold of replacement rocker switches for my Elan +2. I am not concerened if they are original ones as long as they are compatible from the point of view of both function & looks. The only replacement ones I could find would involve enlarging the appertures on the dash & I really don’t want to do that.
Thanks very much

Paul Matty has some of them in .
You can also, if you are careful, take the switches apart and clean the internals.


I’m not sure of the size compatability (I would love to know if they are when you measure please as I’m overseas at present but really need to replace mine !!) but this web site is great and they have lots of really useful stuff for Lotus owners !! … tch-2.html

Good luck

(and do let me know if they are ok ?)