Ring Gear

Has anyone got a flywheel with ring gear attached, if so I was wondering if you could take some measurements for me please.

The dimensions I need are…

  1. The dimension from the flywheel to the root of the tooth

  2. The dimension from thre flywheel to the top of the tooth

  3. Thickness of the tooth at the root

  4. Thickness of the tooth at the top.

Reason is I’m trying to work out why my gear reduction starter appears not to mesh correctly.


Hi Mark,

I happen to have an engine sitting in the garage.

Here are the measurements I got:

Flywheel rear rim to tooth root 4.09mm

Flywheel rear rim to tooth tip 7.89mm

Tooth thickness at root 9.06mm

Tooth thickness at tip 8.32mm

(The teeth are bevelled on the rear edge )

Flywheel rear diameter 23.5mm

No. of teeth 110

Hope this helps !

BTW, we are hoping to do the European Classic Touring Club Poppy Tour 2nd weekend in September.

Hope your projects are going well !

Hi Sean,
Yeah things moving along, engine back and prop shaft away today for shortening.

So, thanks for the measurements and I think we concur +/- a bugs willy.

Heres the comparison…

Flywheel rear rim to tooth root 4.09mm Didn’t measure. But tooth depth is 4.19mm, direct measurement

Flywheel rear rim to tooth tip 7.89mm. Mine was 7.84mm

Tooth thickness at root 9.06mm Mine was 9.12mm

Tooth thickness at tip 8.32mm Mine was 8.87mm

(The teeth are bevelled on the rear edge ). Mine is bevelled front and rear, I asked for that.

Flywheel rear face to front face of ring gear23.5mm Mine was 23.55mm

Mine is also a 110 tooth ring gear.

I also measured for posterity, the block face to ring gear face at 31.1mm

I also measured the pinion gear on the starter at 28.5mm and from google engineering the Lucas inetria starter pinion is the same diameter. So, I’m wondering why the engagement is so shallow… unless its due to the angle I took the photos at giving a false impression. Will try again with just the sandwich plate at the weekend.



I had endless problems with Lucas starters.

I have been using Edge reduction-gear starters ( Burtonpower ) for many years now with perfect reliability.

burtonpower.com/parts-by-fi … ter+Motors

Morning Sean,
Well what brought this up was that I bought a Brise unit and it was always noisey. So I refitted the Lucas one which was perfect.

So while the engines out I thought I would investigate the reson why, have a look at the pics I posted elsewhere. Any chance you could get a similar photo if you have a spare sandwich plate to hold the starter?
