Reversing Lights

The reversing lights work fine … that is, so long as the side or main lights are also on.

I had expected that they would operate independantly of the lighting circuits.

Is this how they were intended to be wired, or has PO set me yet another electrical challenge? (bless him!).


Hi Stuart,

Not sure what series you have but on my Sprint they work independantly. Looking at wiring diagrams it appears that S1 and S2 should also if they are fitted. The diagram I have for S3 doesn’t show reverse lights??

What would we do with all our time if there wasn’t DPOs. Personally I’m trying my hardest not to become one. :wink:


No, they should work with the ign switched on weather the lights are switched on or not.
With out getting the wiring diagram out from what I recall, the fuse box is fed with power (ign on) via the white wire (1) see pic, power goes through the fuse to green wire (2) the green wire goes to the reverse light switch in the gearbox (top) when the switch is actavated by selecting reverse the power flows through the switch to the reverse lights (green and brown wire?) and is earthed through the bulb caseing.

Thanks Steve and Brian,

A separate ignition-switched feed was what I expected to find, so looks like a bit of exploration and detective work is required.

I haven’t a Sprint wiring diagram, but assume it’s virtually the same as an S4 ?

Just passed the MOT, so good job the tester missed the reversing lights !



I use an S4 diagram and haven’t found any real differences other than things that have been added to the car. Elec fuel pump, ignition module, hazzard lights etc.
