I know we always seem to talk about rev counters but once again I have a question:
Is it possible to get a smiths dial (e.g an MGB one), take out the insides and put it into my well and truely broken plus 2 tacho? I am hoping this will be a cheaper way of getting it working? Any advice on this or how to get the best deal when needing to repair or replace my existing one would be good.
Simon - Not sure where you are located, but it cost me about $120.00 to have Nisonger’s in New York City rebuild my Tach. They installed a new rubber washer, all new capacitors on the inside, and shell-blasted the case to make it look better than new. I have the RVI type, by the way, with no Lumination system - all stock. I should have sent my Speedo to them, but I tried to save money by having it done by the local speed shop. It broke (again) a year later. The Tach repair took about 10 days. Nice folks.
Wouldn’t the MGB dial have the wrong red line? They were red lined at 5400, if I recall correctly.
Paul Zimmerman
65 S2
Hi Paul,
I am located in the UK. I am hoping the prices are as reasonable here, but I bet they wont be!
I mentioned the MGB tacho as I thought maybe I could butcher one and put it into my lotus housing, thus keeping the needle and face of the original unit. Maybe this is not really feasable? I will prob. just get it sorted by a pro as my electrical skills are close to terrible, and hey whats another few quid after the endless spiral of costs of rebuilding the beast!
You can use the MGB rev counter innards together with the dial from your elan rev counter. The pointer just levers off and the dial is held with two small screws - but watch out for two things - (1) some versions have the dial fixing screws at different centres - you might need to drill new holes in the back plate to match your dial and (2) I’ve come across a couple of different diameter pointer spindles.
When all is changed over then just use the internal adjustment screw to recalibrate against a test meter. I’ve rebuilt several of these, including matching an MGB movement to a redesigned circuit with a frogeye (mechanical) dial.
Only difficult bit is levering off the pointer without damaging the dial, pointer or spindle - make sure you support the back of the pointer and pull it off straight.
I would be inclined to ditch the RVI circuit and seek out a later RVC type - or build a replacement circuit.
Richfield Speedograph at Nottingham will rebuild yours for around ?70.
Nice one Jim, I recon I will do that. I dont trust my self-build skills!