Renovating +2 drivers seat

Anyone know of anyone in the midlands who can recon +2 drivers seats?
Mine is showing signs of age. the recline mechanism has been bodged by a DPO and is now alarmingly reclined. It also has a 2cm are of stitching that is splitting and I think the squab is sagging…
Otherwise how difficult are these seats to fix?

I can’t help I’m afraid. I’ve seen some photos on other forums of some +2 seats that have been really well done but no-one seems to know who is doing this work although I have a feeling it is someone around portsmouth/southampton. (the work was done in real leather rather than the vinyl though - you might let the forum know whether you are wanting to keep the vinyl or go for leather)
If you find out or anyone else replies on forum let me know because I’ve got exactly the same problems on my seats as yours. Also the foam on the underside of the sqab has biodegraded and is just forming powder on the floor beneath the seat.
Best regards.

This guy advertises retrimming on Ebay:

Brian Cates 01202 593067 [email protected].

He uses leather but it is quite expensive, it may be worth a call to the usual suppliers as I suspect they all have a preferred repairer.


Mike Cate refurbished both the front seats of my Plus 2 in vinyl, very pleased with the results, they matched in with the rest of the trim a treat. I thought his cost was reasonable.

Hi Tim,

I’m considering the options with my worn (later style) +2 seats.

Just for information:

Spoke to Sue Miller recently and she is currently condidering providing retrim kits for the +2 seats.

Not sure how close she is to finding a supplier.

Sue’s number: +44 1728 603307

Best of luck,
Peter '73 +2S 130/5

Looking at the seats in the cold light of day, they are not too bad and probably only need new foam (anyone done this before)…
The main problem is the very laid back angle of the drivers seat. which is a real pain in the back!
How complex is it to dismantle one of these chairs so I can fix the recline mechanism?

Hi all

Just had my S4 seats ‘refreshed’ for a reasonable ?70.
New stitching and foam, couple of new panels sown in, few new underneath springs and new seatbacks… wrong size back button clip things but apart from that, very pleased.

Company: Gemini Car Seat Covers
Address: 57 Penge Road
South Norwood
SE25 4EJ
Contact: Paula Scriven
Telephone: 0208 778 2894

Can’t seem to make the website work at the mo

Hi. I tried the link but it didn’t work. Googled and found: which appears to be the same people.

Thanks for the information - I’ll be digging my seats out of the loft shortly in the hope that I can actually fit them to the car - wow, to sit in the car again after all the hours of effort.

I have retrim covers for both front seats from Christopher Neil. I bought them some years ago and have not tried to fit them yet. Sounds like it’s worth getting a quote from the people above before getting retrim stuff though - I don’t have any springs, foam or anything like that, so won’t be able to complete the job without spending more - given my time constraints at the moment I’d rather pay someone to sort them out or replace the seats with XJS ones.

All the best.


Yes it’s the same people, it’s a scruffy little shop stacked to the ceiling with trim bits, seats, cushions and frames. but the stuff that comes out is fab. I’ve seen boat interiors, Mercedes seats a hood for a Merlin kit car. Found them when I lived locally and needed my bike leathers to be let out… strangely…as I get older they seem to shrink!? :wink:

Had my seats repaired by Derek Haden in walsall wood west midlands ,
the original vinyl was in good condition so will stripped seats to bare metal frame foam was repaired /replaced were needed and the rubber diafram was replace with pirelli webbing.

My originals also had similar problems with the recliner, when I striped them down they had cracked and been badly repaired several times already.
I just fitted a pair of mazda Mx5 leather seats, they look great and are comfortable, bought them off of ebay.


do you have Derek’s contact details?

Hi all. There’s a pair of new MX5 seats on ebay at the moment - from a 2007 model. Item number 290208471811. Would these fit into a +2?


if you do go for MX5 seats, try find ones with the speaker kit, these have two headrest speakers and one in the seat back giving a real “in the music” feel.