Renovated engine back, but .

After months of waiting, my twink is back at least. New pistons, and renovated in all possible ways, also with new waterpump, balbes etc.

Spent most of Friday night installing the engine in the +2, and all Saturday fixing the small parts. Starter, dynamo, carburators, radiator etc. Had to remove - then refit - the exhaust due to stupidity.

Bought Castrol Classic Oil, 20/50, and filled the engine.
Time for antifreeze coolant - and then a test start.

But, after having filled about two litres of water, I heard water dripping somewhere.
Guessed it was just a loose hose clip, so I was very surprised when I found water was dripping from new waterpump :frowning:

Tried to contact Henrik, the mechanic that did renovate my engine, but he is in Sweden for the weekend. He’ll have to do the engine again, and check why it leaks. As I have paid him a lot for the renovation, I assume he does this free of charge, as a service due to lousy work with the waterpump.

Da**, I was ready to use the car the coming week :imp:


my commiserations mate,these things are sent to try us.

Good luck

John :wink:


have you tried rotating the water pump a few times?
Maybe the seal has not seated properly & a bit of movement may help?

I had a slightly similar experience with a GT6 engine I rebuilt about 20 years ago. Pristine new bores, pistons, bearings, etc. Meticulously cleaned, torqued everything properly. Filled it with water and it all started dripping out … from the head gasket ! I’d assembled it dry as per the recommendation. Never had that before. I took it apart, reassembled with Hylomar, and the engine ran fine for years. I’ve still no idea why.


Hi Bjorn,

Dont panic yet! Do as John suggests and give it a run. It is not unusual to find a slight leak at the pump, it can happen. Carefully run it in and see if it seals 1st. Nothing ventured etc. I did have a similar years ago on one of my +2’s. I was scuicidal!! But I had rebuilt it so carefully from a good kit I could not figure it out. So I gave it a run. Bloody thing sealed itself.

How bad is the leak? If its bad you will have to pull the pump gain. If it’s a small dribble try it 1st.

Best of luck with it. I hope it goes away :frowning:

Alex B… :sunglasses:

And if that don’t work, get a Zetec. Tee hee.

Hi Bjorn

When I rebuilt the water pump on my Europa, the repair kit supplied was missing the ceramic disc which the face seal runs against (item 5 in section ED of the Plus 2 parts list). On querying this with the supplier, I was told that this didn’t matter and the part wasn’t really necessary. Now there is no way a face seal will work against the rough machined surface of the impeller and after much discussion and several other replacement pump kits, I finally got one with all the correct parts present. That was over 10 years ago and since then I’ve had no problem whatsoever with the pump.

I know this isn’t much help if your pump has been assembled incorrectly, but it is a warning that many so called experts really don’t know what they’re talking about when it comes to the Lotus Twin Cam. Built properly this engine can be as reliable as any other, but from my experience you really need to watch “experts” like a hawk if you’re to avoid dissapointment


Thanks for your advices :slight_smile:

Though…, I had already removed the engine from the car before I read them all, so now it rests on the enginestand.

How bad is the leak…
I put about 3 litre coolant in the engine, before I discovered the leak. I put an empty bin under the engine, and over the night most of the 3 liters had leaked out. So, I’d say it’s a huge leak :cry:

Hi Bjorn,
That is a bad leak and very bad news. I suggest you do as Andy says and watch that particular ‘expert’. I would be worried about the rest of the engine now and I would strip it myself. You will need to consider warranty etc But I would be keen to look inside your engine now. If he got the waterpump that wrong what else is wrong?

Very hard luck and as usual it’s the client who suffers.

Sorry to hear this… :confused:

Alex B…

A closer look shows nothing wrong with the waterpump, but a lot of oxidation (?) on the inside of the front cover. So much that gasket pasta and a new gasket couldn’t cure it.

Therefor, we go for the waterpump kit rebuilding kit and use an outside bolt-on water pump.
I buy the parts, the mechanic works for free, and buys the new original water pump already in the engine from me.

Takes a week or so to get the parts, and a day to fix. Hopefully, by two weeks evertyhing is fine.

And; now I can’t afford to fix the Marcos - so if anyone should need a LHD 3.0 litre V6 Marcos - please let me know…
In good condition apart from minor oil leak from Type9 gearbox, small leak from sump (bad welding), and misfire in engine.

New ‘modern’ three boltet waterpump fitted, engine remounted into car yesterday. Will fit carburators and a lot of cables and hoses tonight - and test start it.
I filled water yesterday night, and it seemed waterproof :unamused:

When examin the “old new” waterpump, we found the error.
There is a sort of gasket inside a metal ‘holder’, held in place by a spring. When pressure is applied, a tiny crack in the plastic is visible - big enough to let huge amounts of water out :smiling_imp:
The pump was bought from SJ a couple of months ago - guess it shold be a matter of warranty… :open_mouth:

Anyhow; can’t wait to get home tonight, to (hopefully be able to) teststart the negine.

here is a couple of photoes of the ‘modern’ waterpump in the engine: