Removing Windscreens - Good Chance of Success?

I want to remove both my front and read windscreens from my early-ish plus 2. So normal rubber seal with shiny plastic chrome insert/locking bead. Looks like the last time it was installed it was done with sealant between the seal and the body as per the factory service manual.

Is there much risk of breaking the glass when removing it? I really don’t want to have to try and find new ones over here in Australia!

Should be OK. I recently did mine with no prior experience and didn’t break anything. My old seals were way too far gone to save so I cut the lip off them and lifted the glass right out. Plenty of more detailed advice on the job in other posts. Get the tool for inserting the strip.

Cutting the seal is a good tip! Thanks :slight_smile:

I also cut the seal on mine to and it came out quite easily.

Confession… I had mine sorted safely…and then decided to move it to a safer place while I was working, I put it down and it slipped about an inch and shattered. It doesn’t take much to break em.

Check for any small cracks before you remove…I had a tiny crack in mine around the rear view mirror position, it was only a few mm long. I got the screen out quite easily and in one piece and put it carefully away for reuse some time later. When I looked at it a few weeks after taking it out that tiny crack had spread from the top to the bottom of the screen!!!

I cut the seal on my pre-airflow coupe too. Both pieces of glass have been stored on carpet under the guest room bed for several years now and I have new rubbers for the re-installation once the headliner is installed.


Yes, perished rubber is your friend here, I have removed both front and rear from Plus 2’s with not the slightest problem.

Ignore the glass, focus on that crumbly rubber, spend as long as you have to removing it and gouging away that black dandruff - but stay away from the actual glass and you will be rewarded.

I also (tried to) do the same with a flawless S2000 windscreen - part of the donor drivetrain which I put in my Cortina…and I had no sooner LOOKED at the damn thing before it went considerably cracky on me despite much thoughtful and deliberate care.

Old rubber is good here, the new “stuff” is far superior in every respect but…

Thanks eveyone for the tips!

The window seals on mine look pretty good, less than 10 years old I would guess.