We maybe moving soon and I will be losing a parking spot. I may need to sell my truck, which means I will be driving my elan more than before. I would like to find a removable hardtop for those really cold days. Can anyone help me find out where I can get one. I will need the hardware as well.
Thanks for your help.
Which series do you have? The S1 and 2 are different from S3 and 4.
Sorry, it is a 69 S4.
Hi Stan
A company call lenham used to make a hardtop for an S3/4 but I don’t think they are in business any longer. If you search for Lenham on this forum you will find a couple of pages of info that people have posted in the past.
Tony Thompson Racing lists both S1/S2 and S3/S4 versions in various weights. The S3/S4 version is described as “Lenham Style” in both standard and light weights.
If you are in the UK go the TTR route, here in the states you may want to see if you can get Curtis to answer in order to save some moola
Also, unless the lenham style ones are different that the type 26’s , be ready to spend some time and money getting the hardtop to look right and be functional on the car -
Yes I am in the states. Iam not familiar with wh Curtis is? Can you give me more information please.
look in the vedor section of the site - firm name is Curtis unlimited , they are in Northern California
I seem to remember at the last Lotus show at Donnington a poster advertising the manufacture of hard tops for the Elan. I cannot remember the name but I thought at the time that the price was reasonable. Perhaps someone with a better memory than me can recall the details of the vendor.