Relative position - upper steering column clamp & clip

I’m putting my steering column back in the car after rebuilding the heater motor, replacing the crash pad & sorting out the harness.

I’m confused by the relative position of the upper steering clamp & the clip that holds the wiring wiring channel in place.

I’m going to set the steering wheel in the mid position, with the bushing hole just visible in front of the dash, does the clip go above, underneath (i.e. also squashed by the clamp) , or below the upper clamp?

The clip is part of the upper clamp, it’s not shown in the Elan parts diagram but does appear in the Triumph diagram which shows where it locates. I know the upper half of the Elan clamp is different but the principle is the same. As the clamp is tightened the clip is compressed and grips the outer column preventing it from rotating.
The wiring channel is secured by it’s own clamp at the lower end and by a tab into the shroud at the top.

My clamp had been assembled with a rubber lining in both upper and lower halves and the flimsy outer column was crushed as a result. I don’t think there should be anything in the lower half of the clamp.

Hope this helps.

I think the rubber insert is actually normal/standard. I re-condition my column a few months ago and pretty certain it was there. I think you can just about see it in:

I tried to find a better image to confirm it but failed…

Thanks guys, I would never guess that the clip belongs that way i.e. upwards under the clamp. :unamused:

Strange but Brian Buckland does not mention the clamp at all.

The clip (609639) wasn’t present on my +2. Not sure if it was never fitted by the factory or just never refitted at some point. Could be a difference between Elan and +2.

There’s one on my +2S and my +2S/130, is yours an early car?

No mines a late car, October 73. I know the car has had at least one ‘restoration’ so quite possible the column has been apart before and the clip didn’t get put back. I did have some problems with column rotation when the steering lock was engaged pre the rebuild of the column which might be related to the missing clip…