what are the good relays to use in general (without specifying the task) see Lucas 6RA, but in this range, there are different models?
Better understand each other’s mission and make it the right choice
Bonjour geni
I have used Bosch relay 0332019150 to replace Lucas 6RA type relays. They are cheaper, smaller and more robust IMO.
They are a single pole single throw relay and can switch up to 20 Amps.
They are easily available on e-bay or Amazon.
I hope that is helpful to you.
Hello G?rard
I am just looking into relays at present to understand what is needed.
Je suis en train de regarder ce sujet moi-m?me…
There are some quite interesting previous posts on this subject (including decoding of the confusing Lucas numbering and lettering…)
Il y a des r?ponses anciennes qui sont tr?s instructives, notamment pour d?crypter les abbr?viations du Prince des T?n?bres.
As soon as I have a spark of understanding, I will post it here…but I will ask nmauduit to confirm my thoughts first. D?s lors que j’ai des ?tincelles…je compte le tester ici…apr?s validation avec Nicolas Mauduit