Refitting rear hubs, what to put on shaft...can't find post

Hi there

I have just had my rear hubs machined true, (although the machine shop left the drive pegs out!) and I remember reading a post that mentioned something to put on the shafts that stopped any fretting. Otherwise what should I use? Copper grease?

Also if I tap the drive pegs back in with a socket the other side of the flange (to spread the load) do you think that would be OK? I do not want to distort them. I will heat the hole with a blowtorch first and maybe freeze the pegs.

Many thanks

Use loctite on the taper
You should have no problem pressing or tapping the drive pins back into the hub. Use loctite on them also



Yep use locktite - Stud N’ Bearing Fit. It’s in a red tube. Good stuff.

