My new to me 1969 Plus 2 toy is being collected next week, and one of the first jobs will be to replace the rad. At the moment this is purely precautionary, but I want to do the job right, once.
I have contacted @coolexperts about the options, but one thing I really fancy is red silicone hoses to match the cam covers. I have searched the forums but the list is exhaustive and many of the threads are old with dead links. Does anyone have details of suppliers? Thanks
I have red silicone hoses, but I regret I do not recall where I bought them from. A general search of the Internet, rather than just this forum I expect.
Since I use a Ford thermostat housing with the outlet at the wrong angle, I had to buy a right-angle bend silicone tube and some straight tube and a piece of aluminium pipe to join the two, plus stainless jubilee clips to clamp the pipes on.
I did not buy the lower radiator tube as my black one is in good condition and I already have a spare black one, but I vaguely recall that one of the silicone pipe suppliers would create any shape that you wanted, as they build them up in layers on formers.
Try classic silicone hoses at coalville leics