Rear windscreens for coupes

How many coupe owners are concerned that replacement rear windscreens aren’t available? Does anyone actually need one now?
My interest is to see what can be done to make this critical part available.

thought they were the same as the windshield??

Not even close.

Somewhat similar in shape so I could see how you might think them the same, but the back glass is much smaller, especially in width.

This topic is timely.

I just came in from my shop having just completed finishing my mold for the fabrication of a new rear screen for my Sprint coupe. I used a friends rear screen as a template and after 3 days work it seems bang on. Next is the actual molding process which I should have sorted out by week end.

I’ll post my failure or success!

The only outfit doing wind screens that I am aware of is in Blighty and on enquirery they do not doe coupe rear screens, only fronts.

I do have a factory Plus 2 heated rear screen that I will part with if someone so needs.


This may be of interest to some of you: … creen.html
I hope it helps.

Was it the older Elite then? i seem to remember a car that used the windshield as the rear window, but maybe it wasn’t a Lotus after all. Does anyone know which car/make it was???

It does ring a bell, albeit not loud enough. I’m thinking it was another British small manufacturer and the windscreen was not the same as the rear. The rear was from a different make. That’s all I’ve got so far.

Thanks BRG, that does help. I would be happy enough with a plastic one and perhaps that’s what others have decided too judging from the response so far. Scratch proof Lexan (the only brand I’m familiar with) is incredibly tough. I will probably get one.
Bill, is it Ricky Evans motor sports that you are thinking of with the front windshields? I believe they have said that if they could get a screen to use for a template, as well as an order for 10, that they would make them. I asked the question to see if something like that was possible.
That’s a worthy project making a mold. Are you going to make a one off, or are you going into the glass business?


I queried Rick Evans as well - got no reply - took that as a no. Methinks the freight costs could put the cost up substantially.

I started this as a one off but if I am successful I will keep the mold in case someone else needs one in the future - Going into production was not really in my mind - I only want to solve a problem. If this works out I would make others but I am too retired to go into “production”. This is a hobby after all - 'tho I must admit one seems to go to all ends in order to resolve some issues as parts become more unobtainable.

About 10 years ago I purchased a screen for my S1 for “just in case” - some 10 of us in North America got together for an order with Pilkington Classic Glass -I had to pick it up at their Everet warehouse. I finally replaced my 5 plus decade old sandblasted screen 3 years ago. Foresight 'eh!


All rather interesting to me, about 3 months ago I wanted a rear coupe screen as mine was badly scratched. I thought there would be no chance but upon calling SJ sportscars they had one in stock! Picked it up for £80, it has some strange marks on it like water stains but it’s much better than deep scratches!


Years ago, when Lotus closed down Lotus East distributor, I bought the rear screen they sold at clearance prices just as you thought “just in case” and I know that they are smaller than the windscreen because I made a crate to keep it safe all these years and just recently I decided to put the screen I had replaced due to wiper scratch from my SS in the same crate, but the crate is too short for it to fit


I had good luck with Rick Evans in getting windscreens for my Sabra GT. He told me that he would be making a batch of 10 in about two years. So, I waited and contacted him before the two years were up, and was asked how many I wanted. With the dangers of shipping, I ordered two. The arrived well boxed and one remains still boxed up. With the Sabra GT being about as rare as frog hair, he told me the screen also was fitted to a Meadows Frisky, thus he had enough orders for the run of 10. There are 10 Frisky’s still running about? I would think with the numbers of coupes out there, and if enough queries were made, he might be convinced to run a batch of 10. Seems like it’s time to band together, flood him with orders, and work with him in getting what he needs to make them.

I just acquired a 1967 S3 Elan Coupe as a project car and presently going thru all the boxes of parts that came with it. It did have a Lexan rear windscreen however it is too small for the opening in the body, misses each side by 1-1.25" (screen to body opening) so that doesn’t seem right. so I’m in the market for a rear screen for my some day street car.

I did check the plastics4performance and they list rear screens starting at 120 pounds. Kelvedone Lotus also lists them at 159 pounds. Anyone know if they are any good?

Bill, I’m in the other Vancouver. Interested in making another windscreen.


Hi Prezoom. Your last sentance was what I was hoping would happen. I know 2 others who are interested near here so it would only take about 7 more.
Would anyone who’s tried one of Plastics4performance’s rear screens care to comment on them?


I haven’t made my first yet - yew years got in the way.


Is the rear windscreen for the Coupe the same as the rear windscreen for the hardtop?

Don’t know if the rear screen for the Coupe is the same as the hardtop.

What I do know is there are at least two sizes of Coupe Rear Screens. I own a 67 S2 Pre-Air Flow Coupe and a few years ago I also owned a 69 S4 Coupe at the same time. I was about to sell the S4 but the rear sceen was mint and the 67 had a few scratches so I went to exchange them. I removed the S4 rear screen and was about to remove the S3 rear screen but I laid the S4 rear screen over the Pre=air flow coupe rear screen. There was over an inch difference. They are not even close to being interchangeable.



Success! Finished it last Friday. I made one out of 3/16 plexiglass and it fits like a treat. - 3 days work to template a mold from a friends cars window - a day p*ssing around with the molding technique and final trim fit.


Hardtop screen not the same.

Cheers! Bill

What I have here is a hard top that the previous owner bought in Florida. I don’t know who that was he bought it from. It needs a rear glass. Anyone know what I am talking about?