Rear suspension

I know there’ve been a lot of bits about suspension/ride height etc recently, so apologies… but I thought I’d add my question to the fray…!

I need to replace my offside rear shocks/top shock bushes.

Can anyone advise which are best to get, or do I just phone matty and get whatever he has on the shelf? If there’s a modern bit of kit which is an improvement, then I’ll take it… I heard Koni’s mentioned…? I’d quite like my +2 a little lower too - I take it this is all about the springs - can anyone advise?

Also - roughly how much is this little escapade going to cost?!



Why not lower the car by fitting lower profile tyres ? It can then easily be changed back to ‘standard’ if you get fed up with speed bumps grinding through the exhaust system… :wink:

:arrow_right: Matthew

just bought new tyres - so rather not! The suspensuion needs replacing anywaty as it’s broken, but phoned Mattys today and they only seem to have SPAX parts - and they seem to have had pretty bad reviews on this forum…

can anyone who’s replaced the rear shocks on a +2 advise me on what is best to get etc, as I’m very confused at the moment… also, Mattys quoted me 50 quid a side for springs - isn’t that quite expensive for a bit of bent metal?!

If you want to lower the front end,I have a “new” set of front springs that I bought off a “reliable” supplier which when fitted lowered the front end by just over 1"
John :wink: