Rear shocker tops


Noddy question. How do you get at the rear shocker tops?

I want to change shockers and springs to something a bit more beefy.



Under rear parcel shelf on baby elan

aha, so I have about 75thousand little bolts to undo then :frowning:


There should be two holes in the parcel shelf through which you can get at the top fixing nut.

If you don’t have two holes, like I didn’t, then you have to cut them.

…usually fitted with rubber plugs.

:arrow_right: Matthew

Spot on,

2 rubber plugs located! Nice one.


Andy. :smiley:

I seem to recall removing the rear window.

Possibly to avoid the danger of a spanner slipping & busting the glass.

Ahh Bill, I have no rear window, so no spanner slippage fears!