A bit embarrasing, but I can’t remove my rear seat squab to get at the parcel shelf.
The manual refers to removing the centre section, but my September 1968 +2 doesn’t have one - it’s one piece.
I can’t see how it’s mounted - advice appreciated muchly.
The manual is a bit weak about differences between different models of +2. I assume that you have an early model and mine is a later +2S - the seta are auite different. I’m pretty sure you’ll also have to take off the transmission tunnel trim cover.
Looking at the partslist, it seems that your seats are held at the side (take off the trim to see) and on top (under the rear parcel shelf?)
I’ve attached a scanned picture from the parts list that may help.
On my 1969 +2 (not “S”) The rear seat bottoms were attached with a small “L” shaped strip of metal screwed into the wooden seat bottom and the face of the fiberglass “pedestal” that the seat sits on. The metal “L” is most likely beneath the carpet and not visible.
You need to remove the centre consul as this sits on top of the rear seats. I think this is what it is refering to. Its no problem, just remove the centre consul and remove the screws retaining the seat.
With the centre consul out it is easy to see what needs removing.
Any problems let me know and I will take some pics and send them to you.