Rear parcel shelf clips

Hi there,
I have just bought some new metal rear parcel shelf clips from Sue Miller.Question is…Can the clips be replaced without removing the rear screen. (Got a bad feeling about this…)

Martin B

Ooh that’s useful to know - mine were all rust when I took the screen out - I’ll get some too. I can’t think how to replace them without removing the screen, but I recall it was actually quite easy to take out. I haven’t tackled putting it back in yet though. You may find that after removing the sealing strip it’s possible to pull the screen out slightly at the bottom.

There must be a few here that have tackled this before.



I have not done this myself but I think I remember this coming up on here before. Sorry; if I remember correctly the screen has to come out.

Hopefully some else who has done this can correct me. :frowning:


The clips are clipped over the lip of the screen frame, so yes, I think the screen needs to come out.


Just to confirm I replaced the rear screen rubber in my car and noted that the clips in question can on be changed with the screen removed as they sit in the fibreglass suround if you have to remove the screen and rubber why not replace the rubber at the same time if is old as they tend to deteriate and leak with time

Clips? What clips?.. Any pictures?

Nothing on mine when disassembled. Perhaps I need to speak to SM before the glass goes in…


You can just see the clips on the left hand side of this picture of my rear screen frame.


These clips are from an Elan Coupe, part number 36 B 0540, I would guess that they may be the same.

This is obviously why my parcel shelf was always a bit wobbly! I will incorporate the correct fittings in the ongoing rebuild. Many thanks for the heads up…

Makes me wonder how many other bits are missing from the car. If you don’t know its supposed to be there you miss it on the parts drawings, unless its vital. This falls into the category of “surely Colin could have stopped the parcel shelf wobbling, oh well, get used to it”.


Saved again by the net–just shy of putting in rear window and thought these pieces went to my also apart S3. Niall, could you send picture that does close up of the seat belt. Thanks. Gordon Sauer

Incredible timing for me, too. Just days* away from putting the glass in!


  • that would be “Lotus Project Days”; a unit of time possibly different than that moet people are familiar with.

Per the Plus 2 parts manual, the part number cited by Gary is correct - 36 B 0540

Looking closely at photos of a parcel shelf that popped up on Ebay I see that there are five rust marks at the rear edge which means there were five clips. Is this correct?



When I spoke to Sue Miller about the clips,she was unsure whether the plus 2 has 5 or 7 clips-she sent me 7. I don’t think that 2 extra can do any harm.

Martin B

I managed to forget the clips before fitting the rear screen to my +2 back in its twin cam days. Luckily as I had fitted a new seal I found that the rubber was flexible enough to allow me to get the clips in by carefully prising up with a flat bladed screwdriver, not sure I would recomend doing this with an old seal as it would probably make it leak.

Good luck


The rear parcel shelf on my car was loose and had drooped a good inch below the rear screen rubber. There were no clips in evidence so I used the upright trim panel behind the petrol tank to support the shelf via a couple of screws through this panel into the shelf wooden reinforcing strip. Works fine and no need to disturb the rear screen.


Purists won’t like this but I simply bonded in some stainless brackets at suitable intervals. They’ve been in around 27 years. If done properly they look perfectly ok and dare I say are much better than the original idea.


That previous post noting “wood trim” to screw into raises a further question–mine is the usual board like the door backing, maybe thicker, but then there were plywood cutouts at the ends bolted to the regular board and fashioned to accept and support a 5 1/4 inch speaker at each end. Is this factory?–manual shows maybe rectangular holes perhaps 6 x 4 inches and my wood pieces have these ugly exposed bolts showing in the vinyl. Is the vinyl surface unbroken save for the speaker grills? Thanks, Gordon Sauer

This thread makes me wonder - and since the car, the parcel shelf and I are currently in three different places I’ll have to ask:

  1. Does the tray sit on (and clip to) the body?
  2. Is the tray under the body and clips on (that would be a poor design, I’d think)?
  3. Is the tray adjacent and they’re clipped together? (also flimsy)

So it should be #1 but I thought I’d check.

