Rear main seal leak

I have been working on the suspension and have had the car jacked up high at the front. I have an oil leak from the rear of the engine that must be from the rear main seal. I am told that a seal will not stand static head of oil and this will happen. Car has covered 12k miles since build with no problems and I centred the cover to within 2 thou when I put the engine together.

I did previously have a small leak/drip which I now think was comming from the breather pipe rubber grommet. This has gone hard with the heat.

Does this hang together? Perhaps a dumb question but I am not a mechanic.


If the car was jacked high at the front enabling a body of oil to rest on a seal I’d assume it could possibly be breached in a way that wouldn’t happen whilst running with the car level.
The way that horrible end cork sump gasket fits it wouldn’t surprise me if it were that and if you say it never leaked prior to jacking you may get away with it.



My mate also just suggested it could be the corks seal on the sump pan.

Am tempted to haul it out and hang it with the fly wheel off (at an angle) to see were it comes from. If it leaks later I am going to regret. Started taking bits off last night, ready to haul it out.


I was reading the Dave Beans catalog and what he writes about this. If it is the old sump type (big oil drain plug) it will have a rope seal at the end. A seal consiting of two half circle sections made of rope/rubber/graphite.
It will settle to correct tightness on sump montage, by tightening the sump bolts. As it will shape to an “infinite small” gap, not touching the crank, it will seal against splash oil from the sump. As in your nose up position the oil will permanently stand in front of seal, it will seap out due to capillary action. It should stop when car is back on level. You could also try to retorque the sump bolts, if leaking doesn’t stop after some days.

PS: if it was ok before and you didn’t touch it, it will be ok after wards.

Anna :wink:

Anna, thanks for info. It is the later type, not the rope seal. I think i do have a problem. I have had the car front lifted many times and this has not happened before. Last night there was another pretty big pool there. I ordered the bits and will haul it out in the morning. Most bits know uncoupled.

I need to see were it is coming from. Sump gasket or real main seal?

It is about 12 k miles since I put it together.


Mike, oil colllects in the head due to the poor drain back, just make sure its not leaking from the back of the head (half moon seal or gasket) and running down.


good point, will have look.

thanks Mike

Took engine out. It was the sump pan leaking on the circular cork seal on the pan side. Bolts were fully tight at this rear point. Cork was really hard.

I have two conclusions. It was too tight. Also the “so called” high quality silicone was not bonded at this point. Had enough for one day!

Have the proper Loctite stuff now.
