rear hubs

one of my rear k/o hubs shows a 3mm long, 1mm deep shrinkhole in
the casting - in the key slot where the driveshaft enters. There is one mm
from shrinkhole to inbord hub end.

Any thoughts if no matter or critical stress riser?

Anna :unamused:

:exclamation: digged a bit in the hole - it is about 12 mm long, 3 mm wide and
up to 4-5 mm deep, a nice big hole… all the way in the key slot.
The hubs weren’t fitted to my car yet - it’s still on bolt ons.


A little hard to hudge without seeing it but I would not be to concerned. If it has not failed by now and its the orginal hub its unlikely to create problems in the future if use of the car remains the same.

The shaft can fail but I have never seen a hub catastrophically fail. The inner end of the hub frets on the shaft with racing use but in road use I dont see any significant long term wear.
