rear hub bearings

I’m replacing the outboard rear stub axles and bearings in my 66 S2. 1) Does anyone have any Billet outboard stub axles they want to sell and 2) Are the inner and outer bearing the same? What’s left of my mangled, rusted, missing balls, and frozen bearings appear to be the same but someone told me the inner and outer bearing are different.

Thank you in andvance for everyone’s assistance. What a great group!



Early cars like yours used two identical bearings in each hub. I believe the hubs were stamped “Issue 16”. Later cars used larger outer bearings. I believe the hubs were stamped “Issue 18”. The funny thing about the larger bearings is that while they may be wider, the actual ball bearings inside the bearings are identical in size and quantity to those used in the smaller bearings, so I don’t see the advantage.

What’s the latest info on the consoles?

Well Frank

If you have ISSUE 16 alloy hubs then yes, the two bearings are the same size. The bearings were different sizes when Lotus changed the hubs to ISSUE 18. However, my knowledge only extends to both of those type of rear hubs, and i am not sure if your early car even had those hubs. But if it did, then you will know.

All the best,


Hmm, You beat me to it Mr Howard

The very early cars (I think only some S1s) had castings without any “Issue x” markings, but dimensionally they are identical to Issue 16 and require the same bearings. So unless it says Issue 18, the two bearings are the same.


Thank you all very much. I’ll look for “Issue number” on the hub or i’ll even look for the lack of “Issue number”. It’s very appreciated.

Now if anyone has a pair of billet outboard axles, I’ld be interested.

Howard, I now own the Console Molds, I hope to pick them up in the next three weeks. And at the moment, I’m negotiating with three different vacuum forming companies. With any luck we may have Consoles available by May, maybe even April. Thank you for asking.

The difference in bearing width was to accom’ the stronger and a bit wider seals.The narrow bearings had 2 rs (rubber seals) which are not very strong! The wider ones have the stronger spring tensioned oil seal type seal on one side. Ingress of sh1t caused the failures. Hence the stronger seals. Not very sucessfull though.

Alex B… :sunglasses: