Rear hub bearings on plus 2

Just about to fit new bearings and the inner bearing has a slight protrusion from the inner race and presume this faces to the outer side and the shim also. Photo for more clarification

Any advice wound be welcome.


NO. Shim is a dust shield fits a diameter on the spider goes on first, bearing fits with slight protrusion toward the inside of hub. Don’t trap the dust shield between the bearing and the shaft/spider.

So, would this be correct? Sorry, can’t get the pic to go upright but protusion is inside the hub, facing

Looks correct.

Just remember to trim the Rubber Seal carefully if you don’t you will have problems fitting the Circlip.

OP, not wishing to tell you how to suck eggs but if you’ve not fitted rear bearings before it’s worth looking up the method.

It’s critical that you don’t introduce side load into the bearings when you press them in, otherwise they will wear and become slack in a very short time.
