I just replaced the rear pads and I’m sitting here staring at my Elan Workshop Manual trying to find the torque specification for the two bolts that hold the rear calipers to the wheel bearing housing.
Section J, page 10 says “Replace the caliper and secure to its mounting on the wheel bearing housing with the two bolts, tightening them to the torque loading given in ‘Technical Data’”.
But when I go to ‘Technical Data’ in the front of the book and I get to TORQUE LOADING FIGURES I see nothing listed for the rear caliper torque specifications at all.
Could someone tell me where the torque specfication for the rear caliper bolts is in the manual? Thanks.
P.S. I just searched the threads and found it to be 40-45 lb/ft. I’d still like to know where this information is hidden in the workshop manual.