Rear brake calipiers

It seems rear brake calipeiers are becomming a problem to service - has anybody found a modern calipier that can replace the originals and hopefully have an intergrated handbrke of modern design

You either have the full Spyder rear strut and hub conversion to Sierra calipers or else send your original calipers the Calssicar Autmotive and they will make them as good as new for around ?120 each.


What is difficult?
I just bought new pistons and seals and new handbrake pivot pins from Sue Miller. She seems to have all the bits. Are there some parts you cannot get?



I have recently had the rear calipers rebuilt by Classicar Automotive, they have done an excellent job, and would highy recommend them.



Hi There

I’ve just rebuilt the rear calipers on my Plus 2 and I had no problems at all getting all the necessary replacement parts. If I were doing the job again, however, I’d seriously consider going to Classicar Automotive. I don’t think you can go far wrong if they can do a complete overhaul for ?120 a side


Actually the calipiers are for my Series one IRS seven that uses and Elite diff. and AR alloy calipiers. Curreently the hand brake works by a cable to the pedal but should work directly onto the brake shoes/pads. This is not possibile due to the various frame tubes in the way. Hence the wish for a modern calipier with an integrated handbrake. The rear calip?iers on my Elan have been reconditioned and are fine.

Maybe try a set of NR cilipers, they are designed for the rear hand brake. There are two differential housings for the elite, one for the NR calipers and one for the Girling Type 10. You would need to swap calipers and housings together as the spacing on the mounting lugs is different and the angle slightly different. Expensive to swap but S1 Sevens do have a bit of resale value

the photo below is linked from Mike Brotherwoods site, Mike may be able to help you also.

Thanks for the tip - the photos shows the more normal set up with an Lotus Eleven diff. housing. My car uses an Elite one. I hope you are right about the values - have owned the car for nearly fourty years - fitted with a Climax and supercharger! As I now longer compete I want it all raod legal - hence my question. NOT FOR SALE!

For what it’s worth my S1 Elite (P1017) had NR calipers with handbrake pads etc. (AR on the front)
The PO had done what you have on your Seven, a cable to the brake pedal.
I never bothered to change it; sailed through the MOT every time :laughing:
I can imagine that you search for a modern caliper to suit your application will be extremely difficult.
Most modern cars have a drum brake incorporated into the rear disks. That’s a major mod.

Give “Rally Design” a call, they may have a solution.
Tel. 01795 531871

Good luck

I’m not sure if it is much help, but my Alfa 147 (2001) has an integrated handbrake lever that operates directly on the rear pads, no additonal drum or little pads. It would be very easy to adapt a cable to operate these. I would guess its the same on current 147s and 156s. It struck me last time I changed the rear pads what a simple solution it was and the handbrake is excellent. Would be fine for a car the weight of a 7, or indeed and Elan.


In my experience this arrangement (single piston, operated both hydraulically and mechanically) is pretty common for cars from the last 15 years - in fact I think every car I’ve owned for a while apart from the latest (Volvo V70) has this.

The handbrake part auto-adjusts and it’s fairly common for this bit to go wrong after 5 years or more. The first time I tried to fix it by taking the entire caliper and mechanism apart ended in complete failure so since then I’ve always just exchanged the caliper if it goes wrong. So if you’re thinking of getting some of these units, I’d buy new rather than secondhand.


Eleven and Elite S1 differential housings and NR calipers with appendage handbrake calipers are available new from Crosthwaithe and Gardiner and other sources. Actually, the NR calipers carried well into S2 Elite production, I know that Elite 1399 had NR calipers from new. I have made this “investment” for my Elite and have seen the same go into an Eleven in the past two months. With an S1 Seven I can’t imagine that too much force is required on the hand brake. The new parts are rather expensive but Gary is correct regarding the value of S1 Sevens.

No question a buying spree over at C&G will get you a nice set up ( may as well get the Magnesium diff cast - in for a penny in for a pound) - The one concern I had with the AR/NR set up ( I looked at this for the elan) was your options on street pad compounds , I am sure you can get some done custom ( maybe the elite guys have em) , but that issue is what lead me to the alloy D14R and Alloy stock pattern rears that i installed - lots of availability for the fronts usual suspects for the rears.

Thanks everybody for the response but my original post said I could not use the standard rear hand brake set up due to frame tubes being in the way!! That is how Frank Coltman built it all thoses years ago. I need calipiers where the handbrke acts directly on the brake pads. From the various posts I assume nobody knows of something that will fit.

I used to use Mintex DS11 pads on the road & for light competition way back when. They were good.
Don’t know if they’re still obtainable with all of the Asbestos free mumbo jumbo.
I agree, Club Elite is another great source of information, why not give them a try!


Sorry , got side tracked at the thought of spending you money over at C&G - perhaps a hydraulic handbrake like the rally guys use ?

i think rally design do a rear brake conversion based on the audi type system,if i remember right it uses the hydrolic AND cable (for hand brake) in a single unit.and its a aluminium caliper 2 pot type.may be this will help.ill try and reply later with part numbers ect.