Rear bearings

Hi all,
I need some help, just a few quick questions…

I am about to replace my rear strut with a second hand unit as the bearing housing is worn. I have stripped the unit down and after cleaning etc am about to rebuild with new bearings etc.

The strut is an issue 18, my first question is which way round should the wide inner bearing face, should the spiggoted side face the drive coupling side or face the wheel? The one Ive just removed faces the drive coupling, but I seem to remember it being the opposite way???

The bearing is of the double sealed type, do I still need to fit the large steel spacer/dirt shield as by my calculations it wont go in.

My thanks to all for help… George…


The spigot bit goes toward the wheel side. As you say you have to fit the dirt shield washer to the coupling side (inner).

Are you sure it is issue 18? (as issue 16 has two small bearings).

The bearing and shield should fit fine if all is clean. Make sure you circlip grooves are clean. Nothing worse when the circlip not springing.

I have always fitted the shield with the double sealed type to keep the crap out. Bit tight, but goes in if all is spotless.



The large steel spacer is used if you are installing the earlier narrow bearing in an issue 18 housing.

One more point,

From the manual.

“it is necesary to trim flush the surplus seal which stands proud of the outer race on the inner bearing (nearest the drive flange coupling), so the spacer and retaining circlip may be fitted correctly”.

I knew I had seen this somewhere. I did this on my fist time but found all others do not really sit that proud and the dirt shield goes in.

Mike :slight_smile:

Firstly, thanks for the help,

I think Mike has solved my problem with the trimming of the seal. I tried to gently compress the seal in the vice with the metal seal next to it, but it will not compess enough to fit. I didnt want to trim the seal for fear of dammage, but will do so now after Mikes advice.

Thanks again, George…

Unless you happen to have an issue 18 that was originally machined for two small bearings… :open_mouth:
I have always believed that the issue 18 housing used the wider bodied inner bearing…that was until I recently stripped one from a +2 that had the small bearing in both sides…no spacers in the housing required as it had not been machined to the normal depth…pity the previous mechanic used a later spec driveshaft without a spacer or circlip! :angry:
As ever, nothing can be taken for granted with a Lotus!
