Re-laquering the silver roof?

The PO of my +2S/130 suggested re-laquering of the silver flake roof, by which I take it he meant matting it down and putting on a new clear top coat.

For the spring, obviously. In Norway, so I have NO faith whatsoever that anyone here can re-do the silver flake properly, and having it done in the UK is out of the question for now… that’s a few years down the line, as the rest of paint is very good,. after a respray about 10 years ago.

Is this a good idea?

Well the technique of spraying metal flake i’ve used in the past involver letting the metalflaked paint dry totally before flatting to smooth the erect flakes and laquering on top of dry matted paint, which is obviously not the normal way of spraying laquer, provided you make sure the paint is evenly matted with a very fine wet and dry i recomend p2000 for final finishing to remove scoring and ensure it is totally bone dry before painting, it should be ok, may be a little duller than original finish though.


I posted a question on this subject a while ago because the metaflake finish on my roof is a bit worst for the ware.

One of the replies (there are always replies on this site) said that the finish was actually a boat finish. (logical, as a lot of boats are made from fibreglass)

Now correct me if I am wrong, has Norway not got rather a lot of boats and boat yards? Perhaps they might be able to help.

I plan to visit a couple of places here in Scotland over the winter to see if they can help. As usual, I’ll post if I find anything. :slight_smile:
