Once upon a time, I had the base for the interior light (centre, by the rear view mirror) of my early 1968 Elan +2 but no lens.
Now, I have acquired (what I believe to be) the correct lens but have lost the base. [Actually, it was disappointingly lost by ‘others’ on my behalf].
As I say, mine is an early +2 and the centre interior light is the one with the switch toggle which sticks out at the end of the unit rather than through the face of the lens.
I realise that these are rare as hens’ teeth … but … does anybody have one for sale?
Is this the piece you’re after Bob?
The plastic is good and strong, but needs a bit of a clean up. The switch lever is a bit yellowed, probably from ciggy smoke, but I have cleaned them up before (very carefully) using Solvol Autosol.
Having a closer look at the back the male connector is a little short, so a piece may have to be soldered on. It’s copper though so should be straight forward.
PM me you name / address details and I’ll pop it in the post. Can’t do that until Saturday as our lane is closed from 7am to 7pm due to it being re-surfaced, but it is open on the weekend!
I am not too familiar with this email system and had been assuming messages sat in the outbox pending vetting by the email police or due to some intrinsic delay in the system. Big Brother paranoia on my part!
The plain ones are from an Anglia and Zodiac I believe, but the lens is a bit pricey !
Not seen a lens for the side switch version. classicfordspares.co.uk/pro … light-lens
If I recall correctly, I was lucky enough to get a set of three lenses on ebay from a chap in Portugal. I am not certain whether they are original or reproduction but they are clean and neat and fitted nicely.
I have scoured my email records in search of his name but without success.
However, looking on ebay today, I found this ad (it’s for a centre lens but, unfortunately, with the switch tab through the front face) but the seller’s name rang a bell with me and he seems to have a few classic car bits, so he might be worth contacting:
I also got a set of lenses (x3 forearly +2) from Portugal a few years back… Possibly the same guy. They are the correct translucent white ,rather than the clear ones that I have seen advertised.
His name is Ricardo Menezes, and he has hunted down a lot of rare Ford bits and pieces. He is totally reliable, and we share a passion for 2 door 1600E Cortinas, hence my car has quite a few parts fitted bought from him.