My original radiator is c**p - leaks all over the place and the radiator shop wants $450 or so to re-core it. Does anyone have a spare (original style S2) radiator in good shape that they’d be willing to consider selling? For less than the above figure?
Thanks, Terry, but it’s also a later type. I’m looking for the early type with offset filler neck. They don’t seem to be easy to find (I guess Ray at RD was right about that - not that he’s been wrong about stuff previously).
If you’re after the Marston radiator I think they are hard to come by and your best bet is to get it recored. I had a leak in mine; there has been one only on UK ebay in the last year and the price went higher than I wanted to pay. I got mine recored from a local vintage rad specialist for ?100 - I’d keep looking because you ought to be able to get it done cheaper than you’ve been quoted.
I have an S4, so had the small radiator. I wanted to get one of the earlier wide ones, but couldn’t find one. I bought an aluminum one from Dave Bean, which I think was around the price of your re-core, much less than some of the ones that Ray offers. I’ve been very happy with it, but its not very original looking, which wasn’t a priority for me. Dan S4 SE
If it’s got the original Marston radiator…keep it! They are very hard to get hold of. I had to buy mine from California…with postage and customs this end (UK) it’s the most expensive radiator in any Elan! But it’s one of the things that makes the S1 / S2 just a bit different to the others.
Quite a few years ago, Miles was the featured guest at one of the LOG events. During his after dinner talk, I can still remember him stating quite firmly: " A correctly built twincam does not leak oil!". He was not impressed with the hoots and laughter that followed…
I got this one with my Elan S1 (all in boxes… many, many boxes…) Is this what you are looking for? It is 15" high and 21" wide, petcock on the bottom center, but no inlet and although dirty, seems to be brass??? If it is, then make me an offer. I probably won’t use it. I am in Texas, so unless you want to come here (and broil) figure on about $25 shipping. I have a number of parts from this Elan that I want to sell including a street roll bar (bolt in) 2 LSDs (one seems to be a 3.9 and the other a 4.2?) I want to keep one to match up best with the close ratio gearbox, but I don’t know which one. The car was a friend’s, and when he had storage problems, I wound up buying it in boxes, sight unseen. So I am still finding stuff. Up until about twenty years ago, it was a racer, but I would like to move it closer to streetable/vintage. So if the radior helps, let me know. Andy
Its the standard narrow S4 radiator but the temperature sensor has been added by a DPO and the side plates look non orginal and the brackets on the front (I presume for a fan mount) are also non original
PM me if you still need one. I have an original that I had rodded and cleaned, but decided to do a 26R clone before I installed it. Also had a fitting added for the fan switch. I live in Oregon.
I bought a Triumph unit and paid a small amount to get the top hose connector rotated to suit the Elan - after all that’s all Lotus did. It’s worked well as I wanted a full width unit for my Sprint