Radiator recommendations

I have late sprint and I want to see what radiator recommendations are out there. I want an alloy one and dont want to use the small one that came out. Since the original was a spitfire radiator does that mean an alloy spitfire one will fit? Being in the States with summer heat and I think an upgrade is in order. I also didnt want to drop $1000 on one from the normal parts suppliers…if I can help it. Let me know what you recommend , Thanks! Jim

I’ve installed the Coolex version in my street S4 (130hp on Q420 camshafts), with the black paint option and dual push fan : looks very inconspicuous, almost stock shape, and very efficient : I can’t find any fault to it so far, even in hot summer track days over 35°C (no affiliation, just a satisfied customer). Not sure about the delay or shipping cost to the US though, but someone from them do pop up on the forum now and then, you should be able to find out easily enough.

I run the regular wide spitfire on my car, just need inlet and outlet rotating at local radiator shop. Is fine in Texas with a couple of big fans.

I’d suggest the same and not bother with the Ali, or go the coolex solution if you want something a bit more bling.

This works at 40c in a traffic jam.

I converted a wide spitfire radiator to fit to my S4 elan with the narrow radiator. I had to have the inlet rotated but I think the outlet was ok if I remember correctly plus had a 3 row core fitted but the radiator filler and cap had to be moved to the RH side to clear the bonnet (Hood). The wider radiator was standard fitment for S4 and sprints exported to Australia by Lotus but mine was a private import from the UK.

I have seen various different shaped top tanks on Spitfire wide radiators so may be not all of them need the filler moved.


I wonder if there were other warm areas that received this rad, or special order?

You’ll find lots of options if you search back through the forum topics, but if you aren’t too bothered about an original appearance, take a look at aluminium radiators for the Mk1 Golf. They fit very nicely, no body or chassis alterations, just some custom brackets and pipework.

I dont think Austria is a hot climate country … my typo i meant of course Australia :blush:


I didn’t change the core on mine stuck with standard core due to price quoted for a new core. Had no problems even idling in my garage at approaching 40c.

I was tuning the carbs this weekend, probably 25-30c outside, with car sat idling in driveway I was probably getting about a 20% duty cycle on the fans.

I had the filler cap removed completely but have the radiator mounted slightly forward, I’d think the standard radiator would fit in the normal position. I suspect Ronan will be right on only needing the inlet rotating, it’s been a while since mine was done.