Radiator position again

Hi chaps and chapesses.

I’m refitting the rad to my '72 2S130. I cannot fiind any trace of the original holes. It looks like it’s going to rest over the top of the steering rack. How much clearance is there between the bottom of the rad and the steering rack - I need the bonnet to clear the rad cap? I’m having to grind the brackets back to get it to fit so a guide to this clearance would be great.



Just putting this in so caught me at a good time, '72 +2S/130 so should be same. Holes are about 3/4 inch up from fiberglass and 6 1/4 respectively when measured off that rounded fiberglass pice that curve over the rack bellows right below the holes. Bottom hole is 7 3/4 in from hood opening lip when you measure, hood off, from above, and top hole 8 3/4 in from lip so radiator canted rearward at top. Then 1 1/2 inche space measured from bottom of rad to top of rack main tubular piece. Gordon Sauer

Thankyou Gordon. I’ll be out there again this evening and will try your measurements out for size. In the meantime I’ve started stripping the steering column to put in new bushes. So, no doubt my next post will be a question about the steering column…

All the best.
