To go along with the rack thread I started earlier, I am thinking of refitting with a solid UJ and solid rack mounts rather than the original OEM rubber items. That was how our Caterham, that the Sprint has replaced, was set up and worked well.
Is this a good idea with an a Elan please or will it loose its classic character.
personally I don’t like the solid rack mounts having tried them on my Sprint, and have reverted to a set of new standard mounts with standard rubber inserts (SJ Sportscars supplied). I also like the standard UJ coupling.
I’ve had two Sprints and if the rack and all the steering joints are in good condition the standard setup is perfectly geared and excellent for feel and feedback. The solid mounts I felt just made the car feel a little nervous and did not improve the experience, it felt a little like fitting a smaller steering wheel - definitely not needed!
There is also a middle ground of poly mounting bushes. I have these on mine and happy enough with them, good steering with out the downsides of solid mounts.
Which is right answer is likely very personal and effected by the rest of the steering setup/condition.
Now I have successfully freed the stuck UJ, see my other thread, I am about to order a new UJ. So, minded now to fit a standard rubberised UJ in view of the comments above. How long do the standard UJs last and are they decent quality? Am aware a lot of car parts are cheaply made in the third world and that rubber components don’t seem to last as long as they did.
I’ve had standard, poly, and solid rack mounts. All 3 at different times in my S1. Personally I prefer the feel of the solid mounts, especially when driving “spring finger” style. Certainly no downsides to them from my perspective, but preferences will vary.
Hi I have solid mounts and the feel is very good. The reason I went for solid mounts was that when shimming the mounts to correct the bump steer I actually needed to take one side down a little and you can’t do thus with the original type.
Thanks for the reminder Colin. I have had Superpro bushings in my Elan for 30 years as Historic racing regs in Group Sb dont allow rose joints in the suspension and I noticed the D shape roll bar bushings I used for the bigger roll bar were looking the worse for wear when I pulled the engine recently. Time for a refresh, cant complain on their life. The bushings in the rest of the suspension are still perfect !