Race Elan, Yellow over White S4 Sprint , RAG 760M, stolen from Crossford near Lanark (south of Glasgow) Tuesday September 23rd or early on Wednesday 24th.
Suspension is all 26r magnesium and rose jointed. Mag gear box casing, Tony Thomson alloy rad and air filter system, light weight bonnet 26r front lights new mag minilite wheels, all steel full race engine has agra stamps diff has solid joints instead of rubber donuts
The car is taxed and roadworthy.
Also stolen was the Brian James trailer, a space Shuttle RS3.
The car was in the trailer, so there’s a good chance that the thieves now won’t know what to do with it, as they may have thought they were just taking the trailer. So if you see it on the side of the road, call the police or contact the owner.
Any information at all contact the owner, Kenny, on 07525 261636.
we have had 30 foot trailers stolen over here with complete formula ford team cars with tools etc —the best way is to make the car too hot to sell -----both ff cars were found on a corn field and the trailers abandoned on side roads —the tools however were never recovered ----but they were replaceable —I’m sure the same scenario will occur here —ed
car and trailer have been returned , some tools stolen , but car not been touched , unfortunatly a kidnapp ransome had to be payed or would have been torched, 5g, please take note , in this credit crisis , the( robbin b), would have seemed to have taken a different direction of stealing cash, it may be a good idea to fit trackers in to classic cars , , think a lesson has to be learned from this ,
Very, Sad and it stinks. If you have invested lots in the car (as most of us have) both in money and some “LUV” it would be hard not to pay and get it back. Thats my opinion.
Anyway Re: trackers. When I first read this it was on my mind. Has anybody got one were they did the market checks etc and prices and have had it fitted and it is working (and they are happy). If so, could you please post the model and price. I just dialed into the net with the subject and there seems to be costs ranging from 60 quid to 600 on just 2 minutes looking.
I am interested. If anybody else is, perhaps we could do the approach for few. I know we perpetuate the industry but it is how it is.
When I bought the last Elise, the insurance insisted on a tracker. Peter Smiths wanted ?500 but direct with Tracker they come to your house and fit it for ?250. In fact they fitted it at Smiths pre-delivery. Theres a continuous subsciption and, of course, you dont know if its working until the car is stolen, which it hasnt been. The BIG downside is that within a week the battery will be too drained to start the car and I have to use jump leads from the 41 year old Elan. Progress ?
welll its a different world now than we grew up in —the ’ gimmes 'are always on the lookout for what you have and they don’t -----invest in a ball lock for the hitch and a chain or bar to pass through the wheels that locks and use them religiously --if it looks like too much trouble the ‘gimmes’ go elsewhere -[with all their govenment given rights still in place]------glad the car is safe ---------FWIW a good jet printer can make a fairly good copy of them pounds you use over there -add a few good ones on the top and bottom and the gimmees get got -----ed
I’m sure a “Canny Scot” wouldn’t just hand over the cash.
I’m happy that the car is safely back home & looking forward to the story on how the “Scroats” were nabbed
I think our friend in Niagra Falls is trying to turn us into a band of Forgers & Hit Men.
Does he know that our Queen doesn’t like her money being copied & our “Government” (what a laugh) doesn’t trust normal people with Pistols, they are only available to Scroats.
shes my Queen too ----[in a straight way] must be Politically correct you know -----vigilantism had a great part in shaping Our Canada ----pity we lost the taste for it --now only the bad guys [some cops included] have guns ------HALF YOU MEN COME WITH ME -THE REST GO THAT WAY —WE’LL HEAD EM OFF AT THE PASS ------ed
I like the cut of your Jib young man
I think that more Police presence would reduce the crime rate.
The thousands of CCTV cameras in GB only help after the event.
Look up the name Pelly; we messed around a bit ,sometime back, in your neck of the woods
WELLLLL there is the steady camera guy???a judge [who didnt send me up the river] ----a few notorious reprobates --some morris dancers of doubious character and a recent car fatality --on the list —I vote for the steady cam inventor — —ed
Who mentioned “?orris ?ancers”?
Guns & Forgery I can take; but ?orris ?ancers?
You’ve struck the deadly blow
Must get to the Church; today latest.
ok --so the world famous Morris Dancer D Pelly seems to be out —that leaves the sail boat book author or the notorious cross dressing dwarf D Pelly [or stretch] as he is known to his friends ----ed
have read some of your comments , however it wasnt the police that got the car back it was kenny ,to be honest dont think thy knew where to start, it would appear the car and trailer didnt travel very far, but was well hidden , kenny has owned the car since 1975, so just a couple of years then , since that time as you do pour money in to your beloved car, mag uprights fully roesjointed suspension, mag gearbox , and diff, list goes on , he was between a rock and a hard place, pay up or it gets torched you tell the poice it gets torched ,if we get followed it gets torched , what would a elan of kennys spec cost to day, bearing in mind his engine was rebult begining of the seaon at a cost ?12k , its all well and good to sit on the side line and say this sets a presidint, you all have to stand up for your self and do what you have to do to try and look after your beloveded cars
I suppose the Police aren’t interested; a shame because those villains need to be caught.
I expect Forensics would find something that would make a match to someone that they already have on record, if they made the effort.
Is there still a chance of them torching it? If so then that’s not a good situation to be in.
If that’s the case they (Plod) should be involved.
The car’s now safe or at least for the moment.
welll you cant count on the cops —their idea of law enforcement is to hide in the bushes to get you at 10 over the limit -you are apologetic and don’t carry a gun and the cop gets overtime to go to court if you plead not guilty —what a system ---- —I had to convince the local drug dealer to leave by slashing his tire and meeting him at the door with a molotov cocktail and a lighter with a suggestion that it will be through his living room window in 4 weeks ----he was gone in 3 weeks ----ed ------------------------ as long as you take it they will give it