Qucik question, loose steering wheel nut

What lb torque on the steering wheel nut? Cannot find it in the manual…

I’ve had a semi loose one for<ages, and now have a re-covered original one to put on, and finally a borrowed 27mm socket for the torque wrench…:slight_smile:

NO more work tonight though after a LONG day helping a mate with the re-hoist of assembled engine and gearbox in his Swallow Doretti…


The torque is ‘tight’. Until there is no play in the splines. :slight_smile:


I agree with Hamish and will quickly add this one is nothing to fiddle with, I hope none of us have a fault here. Thor, why has your wheel been loose for ages? Check the splines on the column and wheel, if either appear rounded, beware. A tight nut does not always mean a tight or safe wheel… if the splines slip or strip, massive understeer immediately follows.


I bought a new motolita leather rim a cople of years back. Beautiful piece of kit.
However, when the boss is placed on the steering column it could be described as a ‘rattle fit’ i.e. there is a wee bit of play, not much but a wee bit.

When I pull up the centre nut there is still a tiny bit of play. Pull it up a little more and the play disappears and everything is tight. No idea what the torque is but I used a ? inch square drive rachet.


And how to make the horns function again is next, with my neglible knowledge about electrics… :confused:

20 lb.ft or thereabouts is the max I’d tighten the column nut to.

The wheel should be a good fit on the splines, the fit should be such that you should be able to drive with no nut on the column, if tightening the nut removes slack something is wrong. If there is any play then I would suggest you buy a new column or hub - except I think the columns are no longer available so a good secondhand one might be the only way for now.

excellent. No there’s no play, I just thought this would be a good place to start with my new “everything correctly torqued”-policy…-

Check that the cable “jumpers” are in place over the steering UJ and from the steering rack to the chasis. With out these there is not any path to ground for the horn to complete the circuit.