Looking for knowledge on installing the quarter panels / interior side bits in the back.
The best clue we have is two holes in the body, hidden by the door seal, that could take a screw through into the panel. This doesn’t seem like a lot. Do the light screws play a part?
Referencing attached pictures, are there other points / methods we should be looking for?
As I recall, I think…they are just a push fit and if you have the coat hangars, that bolt secures them. Be sure to thread the seat belts through first.
Thanks. Typical Lotus - any part should be prepared to do double duty. And this is one thing, out of the entire restoration, I thought was disposable. Idiot. I’ve got old bolts, rrplaced master cylinder, broken mirror, silent horn, smoking wiper motor, all packed in boxes waiting till it’s “safe” to toss 'em. But not the coat hanger (“who use that?”)