Quality Of Replacements

Hi all,

I need new seatbelts and a new radiator.

If anybody has bought recently from Chris Neil, Paul Matty, S&J or any other UK supplier then please let me know what you thought of the quality of THESE ITEMS. (I don’t want a general “so and so is crap” rant :wink:

I want to keep the lap style seatbelt (PM has a “original kangol”??) not inertia.

The radiator is terminally blocked.
The casing is pretty tatty so I thought I’d get a replacement.
(no I’m not up for a ?300 alu one, around ?100 I hope!!)

I know this is going to sound rather cruel…but I have a brand new pair of lap belts that are for the rear of my +2…kangol…with lotus logo…I still intend to fit them but havent got round to it…there are now a few people looking for lap belts…have they become very scarce???..do pm and cn not carry these anymore
…cn still advertises them at ?26 a go…+vat of course…?30.43 by my rekoning…would these be of any use to you…(the cn ones not mine…!!sorry …)

ah, I didn’t quite mean “lap belts” I just meant non-inertia style (also non-stalk style on the fastener side)


Here on the west side of the pond, we can find a radiator shop in virtually every hamlet and town. If the core is totally blocked, it is simply replaced. Using the top and bottom tanks as a guide these guys can totally replace the core with a new one. This would also be a good time to go with a thicker core for improved cooling. Its been a while since I’ve been in UK, but as I recall, There are lots of specialty shops to take care of general repairs such as this.



I drive the elan daily so waiting for a re-core is a bit of a pain.
The top tank is tatty anyway.
I really don’t know a place that would recore in London either.
They will be around but there aren’t lots of specialist shops anymore :frowning:

Anybody have any ideas, a quick google didn’t bring up a recorer.

Try www.yell.com - a quick search entering ‘Radiators - motor’ for London pulled up ten likely companies. Also, not sure if they still do it but a couple of years ago I dropped a radiator into Halfords and they arranged for a re-core (I think Serck-Marsden actually did it). Took a couple of days.

If you do not mind waiting until the winter… I will be re-trimming my S4 and I will have a set of belts just like you are looking for needing a new home…

Radtec in Cannock, Staffordshire built me a new radiator for my Elan rather than re-core the original

If anyone is interested in lap belts there’s a new set on U.K. ebay item 2478702230

B) Hi,
I had my radiator done by local company and was up-dated to 3 core which has made big difference to “in town” running and only cost approx ?80 3 months ago if you would like to send to me I can arrange for you only problem is i live in Aberdeen but they did do an excellent Job, regards Martin

I’ve found a company called Cedar Radiators on the Old Kent Road who will have a look at the rad (and do it three core too).

Now the seatbelts appear to be made of unobtainium.
Any ideas. Any companys that can replace the fabric on mine?
I don’t have the origonal with lotus logo but they are nicer tham the stalk version.
What type do you have Steve. If they are aircraft style with logo then I’ll certainly be interested come next winter.

Try Quickfit Safety Belt Service Ltd in Stanmore, Middlesex (020 8206 0101). They re-webbed a couple of seatbelts for me and did a very good job.


Thanks for the seat belt tip simon. They seem very helpful and can supply an “aircraft” style buckle which I believe is much like the original item. They will custom make the item and fit for “around” ?100 each. Quite pricy but then they are fairly important and I don’t want the cheaper nasty stalk jobbies!

I’m not an originality fanatic (by any stretch) but could somebody put up a photo of an original lotus buckle just so I know if what Quickfit do is similar or not. How is the lotus emblem produced on the buckle? If it is engraved then it would be nice to reproduce on my new ones.

Every single part that I have bought from Chris Neil (just down the road from me) in the last 12 months has been either totally wrong (they supplied Elise rack gaiters for a Sprint and diff bolts an inch too short) or just plain crap. I spent hours changing the steering column bushes and the “new” ones had more play in them than the old ones. The front bumper took days to fit, because the moulding they had produced it from was the wrong profile, curve and length.

I shall not be darkening their doorway again.



I’ve had variable sevice from them too but no more so than variable service from PM or S&J. To be fair they immediately sent out a new set of those same bushes when I had the problem you did Pete.

A good solution is to put four down the pipe. Just bash the others further in with a broom stick!