PPI in Minneapolis/St. Paul Area

Hello all,

Can anyone recommend someone in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area that I can contact to arrange for them to do a Pre Purchase Inspection for me on an Elan?


There are a couple, Frank Howard is one which owns and drives and Elan.
You can search as he is a member with this group.

Tim, I’m sorry the last name slips me now but he heads up one of the Lotus clubs and has lots of Lotus knowledge.

I have Frank’s email also but would need to see if he wants me to share.


I’m Tim Engel, with Lotus Owners Ofth North (LOON) in the Twin Cities. I’m a long-time Lotus owner and fan, but I’ve never owned an Elan. I have owned two Europa Twin Cams, so I’m familiar with the Twin Cam engine.

Which car/ who’s car are you considering? I may know it.

PM me, and we can talk about some other local Elan owners who ‘might’ be interested in doing a PPI for you. I hesitate to post their names here without prior permission.

Top Gear Autoworks is a foreign car specialist in Minneapolis. The owner/ lead mechanic (Dave Juntunen) is Lotus trained from the G-body Turbo Esprit through the Evora. He doesn’t have factory training on the vintage models, but he has worked on them. He would charge for a PPI, and the car would have to be taken to his shop (it’s Winter here, snow, road salt, all that stuff).

There is also a Lotus dealership in Minneapolis. However, they are into the new models, and have no one on staff who is familiar with vintage Lotus models. Personally, I wouldn’t go to them for a PPI on a model older than the Turbo Esprit.

Tim Engel
Lotus Owners Ofth North (LOON)

Thanks Tim and sorry for the brain fart on the last name.

We haven’t meet but might this spring if I make the trip up for the show.



Thank you very much for your help!

You sir, are a true gentleman and scholar!

You’re welcome, and thanks for the kind words. It kept me in a warm shop on a snowy day.

Hi Tim,

Check your email for a message from me.
