I installed the new power window motors. The window works fine.
The power is always on to the window motors. I beleive it is the same feed as the lighter. Is this normal or is the new wiring loom wired or installed improperly?
1969 Elan +2
I installed the new power window motors. The window works fine.
The power is always on to the window motors. I beleive it is the same feed as the lighter. Is this normal or is the new wiring loom wired or installed improperly?
1969 Elan +2
Certainly always ‘on’ on my +2, before and after rewire. I assume you mean ON without ignition?
Yes. I mean the windows operate regardless of the position of the ignition switch. Windows are energized with key out of ignition.
I thought that would be a safety issue for children as well as a potential short circuit.
Safety issue? I think that the problem used to be that children would stand on the door armrest with thier heads/bodies out of the window and at the same time step on the window switch. Hence the modern redesign where the windows will not operate without the ignition being on. Or the Lotus design where they are in the dash! Although if you open the door I think many windows will work without the ignition being on. Could be wrong about that though.
The wiring diagram in the manual for the non-federal Plus 2 shows the UP supplied through the ignition and the centre fuse box, and the DOWN supplied directly through the front fuse box. My Plus 2 is wired like this. It makes sense for safety reasons.
However the federal diagram shows the connection from the ignition as dotted lines, possibly indicating that some versions were directly wired for both Up and DOWN, for whatever reason.
Sean Murray
My 1970 +2s is always on, The 1973 130/5 I am working on is through the key.
The wiring pictorial for my 1969 +2 federal shows a common power feed (purple wire) to both switches and the cigarette lighter. As it is not a schemaatic I am uncertain if the purple is switched through the ign. switch. I believe purple is for unswitched and fused power.
I wonder if using both windows and the lighter at the same time would prove diasterous.
My Windows are “on” without ignition. But with the detail that they will go down, but not up. when ignition is on, they will go up
Is that normal? I thougt that it was some safety thing, so that one allways could get out of the car…now i am thinking it’s properbly some “Judas/Lucas” thing…
Perfectly normal Otto.
I never really liked it, having to have the ignition on to operate the windows. And as for the safety aspect, even with the driver in and ignition on you can still have excitement.
(Clearly not Lotus) Our dog liked to sit in the back seat and stick her head out the window. One day there was screaming from the kids in the back seat with her - the dog was stepping on the window Up switch and had her head firmly crammed into the door frame. Frantically we pushed the Down switch in the front and the window went down… whereupon the dog stood on Up and was gasping again. This repeated a few times before someone managed to synchronize Down with grabbing the dog and pulling.